Sean D’Souza – Chaos Planning Premium


Sean D’Souza – Chaos Planning PremiumSean D’Souza – Chaos Planning Premium

Do you sometimes wonder if planning books are written just for the ‘organised’ people?
Organised people already know how to plan. They don’t need information like this. Yet most planning books are written without considering chaos at all.

In every life, there is some chaos. And yet we run our lives and our business as if chaos doesn’t exist at all. This leads us to be stressed all the time because whether we like it or not, things tend to go wrong.

Most planning books are written for organised people.

Organised people don’t actually need such books. Organised folks have every plan mapped out in advance. They have neat little checkboxes right next to their plans.

You and I don’t have such superpowers.

We live in chaos. We have ten screens open on our computer. We store files where we can’t find them later (well, not easily find them anyway), and clutter and chaos seems to be a close set of buddies.

Without plans, we won’t get anywhere in a hurry. So we must have a system, but hey, it’s good to know that the system is built around chaos. And because we’ve taken that chaos factor into consideration, we come out smelling like roses.

This 35-page document + audio will not only help you with your business planning, it will also help you plan your life. When you take chaos into consideration, life becomes richer and hey, you get more vacations too!


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