Shawn Burger, John Hisamoto – Active Care: Mobility Techniques & Tools to Clinically Progress Patient Outcomes

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Shawn Burger, John Hisamoto – Active Care: Mobility Techniques & Tools to Clinically Progress Patient Outcomes

Shawn Burger | John Hisamoto
1 Hour 58 Minutes
Audio and Video
Aug 04, 2017


This interactive recording presents mobility techniques and tools that you can use in the clinic to further educate your patients for a successful home exercise program and wellness plan. Learn the evidence-based research behind myofascial rolling and foam rolling and their therapeutic benefits. You will view hands-on demonstrations of mobility techniques utilizing Theraband CLX, Theraband Massage Rollers, and Foam Rollers to give you the skills to improve your patient’s pain, mobility, recovery, and overall performance.


Manual – Active Care (2.95 MB) 37 Pages Available after Purchase


Define Mobility Model & Differentiate from Stability Model

Therapeutic Benefits of Mobility

Break Down of Mechanisms and Research Behind Myofascial Rolling

Techniques with Elastic Resistance for Mobilization

Myofascial Rolling for Mobilization

  • Foam Rolling
  • Stretch Straps


Shawn Burger, PT, DPT Related seminars and products: 1

Shawn Burger, PT, DPT, received his Master’s in Physical Therapy in 1998 from Loma Linda University School of Allied Health; later earning a transitional Doctorate from the University of St. Scholastica. Dr. Burger has extensive experience through the continuum of rehab having owned, operated and/or managed programs from acute, skilled nursing as well as multiple location outpatient clinics. Currently, he owns and operates PearFit Physical Therapy, a unique startup that focuses on rehab system implementation, specifically standardization of delivery models.

Dr. Burger previously operated Burger Physical Therapy, one of the largest private practices in California. He has extensive history working with HMO / Capitation contracts and teaches others how to maximize best practices. He currently lectures internationally on various topics of manual therapy, rehab, and business management solutions; in addition, Dr. Burger sits on the California legislative health care advisory committee which serves to advise public health policies.

Speaker Disclosures:

Financial: Shawn Burger is the owner of PearFit Physical Therapy. He receives a speaking honorarium from PESI, Inc.

Non-financial: Shawn Burger has no relevant non-financial relationship to disclose.

John Hisamoto, P.T./A.T.C., Related seminars and products: 1

John Hisamoto, P.T./A.T.C., is a Physical Therapist and Certified Athletic Trainer with over 30 years’ experience in the field of rehabilitation. He has served as one of the Directors for the Union Memorial Sports Medicine centers in Baltimore, Maryland before accepting the position as Director of Rehabilitation at the University of South Florida in Tampa, Florida. He is the owner and Director of Pro-Active Physical Therapy in Tampa and has been active in sports medicine and orthopedic rehabilitation his entire career.

John was recognized by Physical Therapy Magazine as one of the top Orthopedic/Sports Medicine therapists in the country. He lectures extensively, national and internationally on the topics of sports medicine/orthopedics and the science of exercise. He has traveled to over twenty five countries to share his insights regarding rehabilitation. John has served as the physical therapist/trainer for the All-American Rugby team and as Medical Director for USA Rugby’s National Team, the Eagles. He continues to teach and treat the athletic population, including professional and amateur sports teams.

Speaker Disclosures:

Financial: John Hisamoto is the owner of Pro-Active Physical Therapy. He receives a speaking honorarium from PESI, Inc.

Non-financial: John Hisamoto has no relevant non-financial relationship to disclose.


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