Susan Culley, Tim Bond – Integrative Counselling Skills in Action 3rd Edition

$22.00 $56.00 Sale

Susan Culley, Tim Bond - Integrative Counselling Skills in Action 3rd EditionSusan Culley, Tim Bond – Integrative Counselling Skills in Action 3rd Edition


This bestselling text has been used extensively in training people in counselling skills. Now in its third edition, this highly practical guide illustrates the minutiae of the process within the context of the counselling encounter, enabling both the beginning counsellor and those using counselling skills to put theory into practice.

Frequent case studies are used to illustrate the strategies and skills in action at each stage, highlighting the complexities, contradictions and satisfactions inherent in the counselling process. This fully-updated edition includes new material on:

– the evolution, relevance and value of a ′process′ model with stages used stages as developed by differing therapeutic models

– negotiating and managing a counselling contract

– using self-disclosure effectively in the process – the positives and pit-falls

– planning and taking action

– the value and relevance of supervision to ethical practice – how to prepare and use supervision effectively

– new case studies to illustrate the theory in action.

This inclusive and readable book will be an invaluable resource for counsellors in training and those who use counselling skills in either their paid or voluntary work.

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