Talia Sutra – The Method: Inversions

$52.00 $200.00 Sale

Talia Sutra - The Method: Inversions

Talia Sutra – The Method: Inversions

For Talia Sutra – The Method: Inversions

Shift your perspective with The Method: Inversions. In this series, you’ll learn a three-step approach to headstand, forearm stand, and handstand that will transform your fear of going upside down. Inversions don’t create fear — they simply unveil it.The Method is designed to help you lean into that fear by teaching you safe alignment and technique for inversions. With regular practice, you’ll gain deep insight into yourself and find physical and emotional balance, on and off the mat. In this series, you will: – Learn techniques for headstand, forearm stand, and handstand – Transform your fear of going upside down – Improve your strength, energy, and focus


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