Tasha Agruso – Affiliate Marketing For Bloggers: The Master Course

$55.00 $297.00 Sale

Tasha Agruso – Affiliate Marketing For Bloggers: The Master Course

Tasha Agruso – Affiliate Marketing For Bloggers: The Master Course




Discover the key to earning passive income with the blog traffic you already have.

Sponsored posts and ad revenue can be ways for DIY, home decor and lifestyle bloggers to earn money by doing what they love, but affiliate marketing is the BEST way. Why?

You can spend hours and hours working on a sponsored post for a single flat rate. You can spend endless time trying to grow your traffic so that you can increase your ad revenue, which is limited by how many page views you have.

Or you can spend 5 minutes including affiliate links in a blog post that will live forever and those links can earn you passive income month after month, year after year. I have earned over $12,000.00 in affiliate sales from writing ONE post on how we painted our kitchen cabinets, and the sales are still rolling in month after month.


Just imagine…

  • how amazing it will feel to start earning REAL money simply by linking your readers to products and services you mention in your blog posts!
  • how exciting it will be to see your affiliate sales continue to roll in month after month from links that took you only minutes to add to a post.

Yes, you can earn passive income for your blog with the traffic you already have.

This comprehensive and powerful course was just FULLY UPDATED and includes a copy of the 3rd edition of my eBook and 35+ video lessons designed to get you results in much less time and with far less frustration than if you tried to figure it out on your own.

Topics covered in the course include:

  • The basics: Everything beginners need to know about how affiliate marketing works and why it is so important for bloggers.
  • The logistics: Learn how to find and copy your affiliate links & the importance of no-follow links and disclosure requirements.
  • Blog Post Strategies: Learn how to format different types of blog posts for maximum results.
  • Content Promotion Strategies: Learn how to continually promote your best content in order to maximize your affiliate sales.
  • Social Media Sharing: Learn best practices for sharing affiliate products directly on social media.
  • Email Strategies: Learn how to harness the power of your email list to boost your affiliate earnings.
  • Advanced Strategies: Learn how best practices for using tools like promoted pins on Pinterest and the Amazon Influencer Program to grow your affiliate sales.
  • Analytics and Analysis: Learn how to read and interpret your analytics and reports for popular programs so that you can determine what efforts are paying off so you can duplicate your success!

Take a look at the fully updated video curriculum…

Learn how to work smarter, not hard and earn more money with the blog traffic you already have! Affiliate Marketing for Bloggers will teach you how.
Learn how to work smarter, not hard and earn more money with the blog traffic you already have! Affiliate Marketing for Bloggers will teach you how.
Learn how to work smarter, not hard and earn more money with the blog traffic you already have! Affiliate Marketing for Bloggers will teach you how.
Learn how to work smarter, not hard and earn more money with the blog traffic you already have! Affiliate Marketing for Bloggers will teach you how.
Learn how to work smarter, not hard and earn more money with the blog traffic you already have! Affiliate Marketing for Bloggers will teach you how.
Learn how to work smarter, not hard and earn more money with the blog traffic you already have! Affiliate Marketing for Bloggers will teach you how.
Learn how to work smarter, not hard and earn more money with the blog traffic you already have! Affiliate Marketing for Bloggers will teach you how.
Learn how to work smarter, not hard and earn more money with the blog traffic you already have! Affiliate Marketing for Bloggers will teach you how.

Shipping method

– After making a purchase, you will see a View your order link to the Downloads page. Here you can download all the files related to your order.
– In case the link is broken for any reason, please contact us and we will resend a new download link.
– If you can’t find the download link, please don’t worry about it. This course is usually available and shipped within one day
– The course you purchased will have lifetime access
– Our support staff is the best by far! Please contact us at email: [email protected] and we will be happy to help!