The Healing Trauma Summit 2018

$49.00 $397.00 Sale

The Healing Trauma Summit 2018

24 worldwide leaders in the field of trauma healing
Peter Levine, PHD

Somatic Experiencing: Healing Trauma Through the Wisdom of the Body
Diane Poole Heller, PhD

Harnessing Hidden Traumatic Reenactments to Heal Trauma
Shaka Senghor

Connecting with Our Innocence and Vulnerability
Sandra Ingerman, MA

How Shamanism Heals the Fragmented Soul
Leslie Booker

Embodying Radical Presence: Awareness of Race, Culture, and Self in Healing Trauma
Edith Eger, PhD

To Be or Not to Be—Victim or Survivor
Edward Tick, PhD

Souls Lost and Found During War and Violence
Elizabeth Rosner

Understanding and Transforming the Legacy of Intergenerational Trauma
David Grand, PhD

Healing Trauma with Brainspotting
Judith Blackstone, PhD

The Realization Process: Trauma and the Unbound Body
Kevin Pearce

Love Your Brain
Laurel Parnell, PHD

Attachment-Focused EMDR: A Client-Centered Therapy for Healing Childhood Trauma and Neglect
Dawson Church, PhD

Using EFT to Heal Trauma
Linda Graham, MFT

Resilience: Healing from Loss and Trauma with Compassion, Clarity, and Courage
Mark Epstein, MD

The Trauma of Everyday Life
Pat Ogden, PhD

Sensorimotor Psychotherapy for the Treatment of Trauma
Bonnie Badenoch

Becoming a Healing Presence in the World
Richard C. Miller, PhD

Healing in Wholeness
Richard Schwartz, PhD

Treatment of Trauma and the Internal Family Systems Model
David Emerson

Trauma-Sensitive Yoga
Gabor Maté, MD

Never Too Late: Addressing the Long-Term Effects of Childhood Trauma
Stephen W. Porges, PhD

Connectedness as a Biological Imperative: Understanding Trauma Through the Lens of the Polyvagal Theory
Zainab Salbi

The War Within: Rediscovering Ourselves in the Wake of Trauma

Rick Doblin, PhD

Healing Trauma with MDMA-Assisted Psychotherapy: An FDA-Designated Breakthrough Therapy
About the summit

Explore the most effective new and proven approaches to healing and growing in the wake of trauma. Whether you’re a therapist, supporting a loved one, or in the recovery process yourself—join us to learn evidence-based techniques that you can immediately put into practice.


New research spanning neuroscience, body-based therapies, yoga, mindfulness and meditation, traditional shamanic healing, EMDR, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), generational and cultural recovery paradigms, and more
Inspiring stories from survivors and luminaries of community and cultural healing
Guided practices and examples included in many sessions co-hosted by a 30-year veteran of healing trauma, Jeffrey Rutstein, PsyD

PLUS, Enjoy a Complimentary gift just for signing up:

Self-Care for Those Who Work with Trauma
a white paper by Dr. Rutstein that delineates the particular stresses and impacts that working with a traumatized population places on caregivers and therapists, including ways to mitigate or prevent those impacts

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