The Third Wave – The Future Of Entrepreneurship In America

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The Third Wave - The Future Of Entrepreneurship In America

The Third Wave – The Future Of Entrepreneurship In America

For The Third Wave – The Future Of Entrepreneurship In America

Analyses of the ubiquity of the Internet’s influence have become trite. More than 30 years and 3 billion daily users later, we need an informed vision of where the Internet is going, what it means, and how every entrepreneur and innovator can ride the wave to greater success. To accomplish this bold task, The Great Courses has teamed with legendary Internet pioneer, technology entrepreneur, and philanthropic ambassador Steve Case to offer you a powerful series on the future of American entrepreneurship.

You’ll learn how First Wave companies like America Online laid the foundation for consumers to access the burgeoning Internet, and how Second Wave companies like Google and Facebook enabled users to search and connect to each other, while apps such as Instagram and others leveraged the smartphone revolution. Finally, Mr. Case will share his profound vision for the Third Wave, in which entrepreneurs will revolutionize major sectors of our daily lives—from food to education and from transportation to health care.

Far from an exercise in crystal ball–gazing, these talks offer authoritative analyses of just how this Third Wave is already building—and how to join it.


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