Tiger’s Waist – Daoist Qigong Restoration

$10.00 $49.95 Sale

 Tiger’s Waist - Daoist Qigong Restoration Tiger’s Waist – Daoist Qigong Restoration

[printfriendly]The Tiger’s Waist Exercise is first and foremost an excellent style of qigong for men and women. In traditional Daoism, this exercise is also known as Willow Waist, Swimming Dragon, or Triple Bracelets Encircling the Moon. However, the practice here has been supplemented in technique to help ensure that the waist is made more slender and flexible, and to help break up fatty tissue in the abdomen, regulate the intestines, and strengthen the spine. Its primary effect, however, is on strengthening the lymphatic system, which is a common problem area in women.

Other benefits in performing the Tiger’s Waist include:

Limbering and stretching the entire body.
Regulating the kidneys and liver.
Firming the breasts and tightening the vaginal muscles.
Preventing curvature of the spine and an oversized waist.
Strengthening the pelvic muscles to keep the cervix aligned.
Promoting strong and pliable back muscles, giving grace to movements of the body.

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