Tim Berzins – Hormonal Fat Loss


T»m Berzins - Hormonal Fat Loss

 Tim Berzins – Hormonal Fat Loss

For Tim Berzins – Hormonal Fat Loss

Tim Berzins is head of Research & Development and a writer for Truth Nutra. He graduated from the University of Delaware with an Honor’s degree in Nutritional Sciences and has over a decade of experience in the nutritional field.

Based in Melbourne, FL, he works with people all over the globe to accelerate their health from a uniquely systemic point of view, amplifying their body’s natural ability to heal, restore, and optimize.

Passionate, ambitious, challenging and witty, Tim’s #1 mission in life is to change the way we approach food and nutrition, to cut through the dogma, and to wake people up to the Truth about the way the body works.

He’s written for the Personal Training Development Center, Fitocracy, JMaxFitness, TestShock and many others, and was featured in the PTDC ‘s “Top Ten Articles of the Year”.

Tim also enjoys playing the drums, training bodyweight movement, surfing, skimboarding, and snowboarding, amongst a deluge of others crafts he tears into. He loves summer thunderstorms, drinking stouts and porters, reading exceptional books, and a killer high-quality cup of coffee. His favorite color is purple during the day, but red at night.

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