Tony Annesi – Road to Mastery

$42.00 $169.00 Sale

Tony Annesi - Road to MasteryTony Annesi – Road to Mastery

Time and time again you have heard that martial arts can lead to personal improvement. Until now, no one has detailed how! In this ambitious treatment of the non-physical and sometimes non-conscious teachings of the traditional martial arts, Master Instructor Tony Annesi outlines methods of self-development leading to the level of awareness and achievement called “Mastery.”
Those who approach Mastery, Annesi suggests, actually travel two roads–a physical and a conceptual. They pass by five signposts on their climb up the mountain. Their physical skills hold hidden conceptual lessons and the mental development sometimes reveals spiritual lessons.
The lessons learned here train martial artists for mastery, instruct the average person in self-development, and guide the leader to superior leadership.
Beyond the gates of traditional martial arts lies The Road to Mastery. This is your guidebook.

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