Vahva Fitness – Skill Master

$88.00 $297.00 Sale

Vahva Fitness – Skill Master

When I first started with skill training, I was very excited to discover how to move the body and what I could master if I just put my mind to it.

On this beautiful journey, I found a way to impress myself and eventually other people around me.

For some time, this was an incredible journey.

But then out of sudden, I got stuck with numerous skills. I developed injuries that prevented me from training. Eventually, I quit practicing skills altogether.

This left me frustrated and even depressed at times. Something I really enjoyed was taken away from me.

The problem wasn’t that skill training couldn’t be sustainable, the problem was that I didn’t have the correct methods and I was focusing on the wrong skills.

You see, not every single skill is attainable by everyone. Some demand a very specific body structure with short height, bulky upper body and light legs.

Some require you to start young and practice for 20 years before you have any shot learning the skill and even then it’s not promised if you don’t have the correct body type.

I started my skill training journey in my early 20s. I didn’t have a former gymnast, acrobat or dancer background as some people do.

I’m also 180 cm (5’11”), weigh 80 kg (176 lbs) and my proportions are even. In this regard, I don’t have any advantages when it comes to learning bodyweight skills.

What I will do with Skill Master, is that I will teach you the most creative and coolest tricks anyone can learn without needing to be a former gymnast or acrobat.

All of these skills I have learned in my 20s, many in my 30s so you can also learn them whether you are 20 or 50.

You will learn how to control your body in almost miraculous ways but also in very unique ways.

Moreover, I will also teach you the process behind learning new skills – the secret sauce and methods no one is talking about.

I will teach you how to avoid the pitfalls I fell into and how to make sustainable progress with skill training without destroying the joints.

Not only that, I will be stacking this program with a massive amount of value and even providing my renowned mobility class and mobility routine as a free bonus.

The best part? I have made it easily accessible for everyone.

I want everybody to get started and discover the same joy I’ve had learning new skills and exploring my body’s movement capabilities.


This is Skill Master.

Meet your Teacher

Skill Master Eero Westerberg

Eero Westerberg


Eero is a world-renowned movement master, body restoration specialist and physical educator. He has a firm grasp of human movement thanks to traveling the world for over 4 years learning from various masters and teachers while experimenting extensively with himself and his students.

Eero has over 10 years of experience in movement training and has worked over 6 years as a teacher. He recently earned his first black belt in Qigong.

“Eero’s focus on quality instead of quantity makes the difference. And of course his authenticity. There is no showing off. It is all about training. And this is what really convinced me.”

Anna-Maria Gerhart ‧ Personal Trainer

These Are The Skills You Will Master
  • Progressions and thorough tutorials from beginner to advanced
  • Supplementary drills and exercises to develop strength, mobility and control
  • Advice and tips regarding how to make good progress and how to do it safely


Fundamentals first – there’s A LOT you can do with the headstand. Skills such as the elbow lever also combine well with this skill.

Elbow Lever

Master the elbow lever and numerous variations of it. Preparation exercises included!

7 Skill Sequences

7 floor skill sequences where you combine different skills into skill flows. This is where you will learn to deliver jaw dropping performances.

Horizon Flip

Horizon flip is a jump where you flip your legs in air. Powerful, unique and very fun to perform.

Handstand Prep

You will learn the preparatory steps, positions and exercises to develop a beautiful looking handstand.

Backward Roll & Neck Preparation

Full mobility & preparatory
drills for your neck! We will
also master the backward roll.

Au Queda De Rins

Possibly the most important
skill and movement of

Pressing Strength

Brilliant pressing strength work to develop the strongest bodyweight pressing strength imaginable.

Helix Spin

Looks incredible and it is not as hard as you may think although it is the most advanced movement in the base skills.

Lever Applications

The countless movements and transitions you can do by utilizing the elbow lever. Very impressive movements.

Cartwheel Mastery

Total cartwheel mastery from the beginner variations to the advanced one arm variations. Nice bonus called cartwheel jump included…

Monkey Split

Monkey split is a beautiful jump which Eero calls the monkey split. A great skill to implement in any flow.

Handstand Mastery

How to do the different variations of the handstand. Master the complete handstand.

Backward Roll Applications

Different applications you can
do from the backward roll

Head Jump

How to do head jump flips
with and without hands.

Advanced Pressing

Preliminary advanced pressing strength exercises for the full handstand push up.

Flying Daggers

Very cool martial arts themed movement where you are circling your arms in beautiful trajectories. Your shoulders will get strong and mobile.

HS Applications

Learn headstand applications you cannot find anywhere else. Amazing strength and mobility work.

Beast Spin

One of Eero’s favorite movements – unique and very versatile movement you can do on the ground. Spin in the most beautiful way.


An advanced & challenging skill but incredibly looking skill which can be done with one or two arms at the time.

Hand Spin

Possibly the most stunning skill of the program: you’re literally doing a pirouette on your hands!

Head Circles & Hollowback

How to perform the stunning
“hollowback” headstand. You
will also learn “head circles”

Cartwheel Turn

Advanced applications you can do from the very basic skill called the cartwheel.

Handstand Push Up

Handstand push up progressions and variations from easy to difficult.

Combine The Skills Into Skill Routines!

In addition to learning the skills (progressions, preparatory drills and more), we will teach you 7 incredible looking and awe-inspiring skill routines where different skills have been combined together.

You will learn skill routines such as:

  • Rock N Roll Sequence
  • Down Under Sequence
  • Surge Sequence
  • Monster Spin Sequence
  • The Wushu Master
  • The Teleport Flow
  • The Whirlwind Flow

We are not holding back! You will learn moves from the beginner skills all the way to the most advanced skills and variations.

Carry the Lessons Everywhere You Go

  • Works on computers, tablets and smartphones.
  • Suitable for all difficulty levels: beginners, intermediate and advanced.
  • All ages, genders and body types are welcome.
  • Everything has been made easy for your convenience. This is a perfect program to do at home, in the gym or while traveling.
artists & athletes of vahva fitness
Don’t Do It Alone – Join Our Vibrant Community

As a member of our programs you will get access to our private Facebook group and can start sharing your progress with likeminded individuals. Progress is easy when you got support behind your back!


Skill Mastery 101

Learn the Hidden Process Behind Skill Mastery and Master The Art of Bodyweight Skill Training.


Inside Skill Mastery 101, I will teach you the hidden process to learn new bodyweight skills while avoiding all the pitfalls and obstacles that may stand in front of your progress.

  • The Fundamentals of Skill Training (the 4 phases)
  • Skill Vs. Strength Training (this may change your view on physical fitness forever)
  • How to Deconstruct Any Skill (5 important elements)
  • What’s Hindering and Blocking your Progress (revealing the 2 things you must do to make progress)
  • My personal journey and how I learned the skills I have accumulated
1. The Fundamentals of Skill Training (19:24)
2. Skill Vs. Strength Training (19:33)
3. Pure Movers Vs. Purist Movers (11:34)
4. The Effects of Skill Training (8:12)
5. Deconstructing a Skill (9:42)
6. Frequency & Recovery (6:06)
7. How to Avoid Injuries (7:49)
8. What’s Hindering & Blocking Your Progress (14:00)
9. How I Developed My Skills (12:01)
BONUS: A Day of Mobility Class with Suvi Tuulia & Mobility Routine

We used to run this exclusive mobility class in the past and it got over 1000 five star reviews. We could charge for it but you get it for free as a part of Skill Master. Enjoy!

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– In case the link is broken for any reason, please contact us and we will resend a new download link.
– If you can’t find the download link, please don’t worry about it. This course is usually available and shipped within one day
– The course you purchased will have lifetime access
– Our support staff is the best by far! Please contact us at email: [email protected] and we will be happy to help!