Victoria Gallagher – Overcome Smoking Forever

$15.00 $39.00 Sale

Victoria Gallagher - Overcome Smoking Forever

Victoria Gallagher – Overcome Smoking Forever

For Victoria Gallagher – Overcome Smoking Forever

How long have you been smoking?
Have you lost count of the many times have you tried to quit smoking?
Wouldn’t you like to stop smoking ?
Become a nonsmoker with Hypnosis. Allow yourself be healthier, and live a more fulfilled life. When you stop smoking, it is important to have the support of your subconscious mind in order to maintain your conviction to quit smoking. Through this three track hypnosis program you can immediately notice an unusual and unexplainable sudden loss of cravings. In no time you can overcome smoking for good, and change your life in ways you never thought possible.
Track One: Tapering Off week
During this first hypnosis session Victoria can guide you through the deeply relaxing process of hypnosis. You can immediately notice a decrease in your desire to smoke. At this point, you know that you are already beginning to overcome smoking. This new desire to stop smoking can be what catapults you comfortably through the next two steps in this program. When you participate in this beginning session, you can teach your mind the tools it needs to manage your cravings at a subconscious level. Your mind is a very powerful tool; it has the ability to help you quit smoking naturally, unlike many of the other options available on today’s market.
Track Two: Stop Smoking
Through the second hypnosis session of this program your mind can begin to act on the information you gave it during session one. You can start to immediately feel the effects of this as you overcome smoking and lose the craving for cigarettes completely. That’s right, you naturally and easily lose the urge to smoke. It’s gone for good. And wont that be nice? As time goes by you can begin to feel a sense of empowerment, and forget that you ever smoked at all. You’ve quit smoking and you stick to your commitment.
Track Three: Stop Smoking Reinforcement
This last hypnosis track may be the most important of the three by far. Everyone knows that the thing people find most difficult when trying to stop smoking, is maintaining their non-smoker lifestyle. This can be very difficult during stressful times in our lives, and even more so if the people we interact with the most are smokers as well. Hypnosis makes this part a breeze to get through. This last track in the program is designed to be used daily to reinforce the ideas and thought process you have already developed on a subconscious level. It can reinforce your desire to quit smoking .
When you buy Overcome Smoking for $39.00 you can be able to resist any urge you may have to smoke .

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