Wendi Friesen – Remote Seduction


Wendi Friesen – Remote Seduction

Remote Psychic Seduction CD

Can you create a connection across the room or across the country with only thought and desire? Some think you can. Many people, who have used this, tell me they get almost instant results. Some say they get a phone call from a woman they haven’t heard from in years. Others say they create a magnetic connection with a person in a bar. Like a magnet that person comes to them.

I have used this method to pull people toward me, in airports, at conventions, and even from miles away. This program will convince you that thoughts are things!

Explore a wonderful and intriguing method of creating desire and appeal in your partner, or in a stranger you would like to meet. This method will give you an unconscious link with another person that will make them feel loved, wanted, and desired. Even if you have never met, you may notice that the recipient of your affection has a deeper interest in you, and feels very connected to you!

The first session will teach you to create the ball of energy that contains all the thoughts, feelings and connection. The next session will take you into the psychic connection with the person of your desire.

The energy will wrap around and permeate the thoughts and feelings of your friend. (or future friend) You will be asked to allow this connection to be created in a way that is for the best and highest good of both. In other words, you will have to use your new powers only for good.

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Salepage: https://www.amazon.com/Seduction-Hypnotic-Training-Psychic-Powerful/dp/B00AVYZK5A
Arichive: https://web.archive.org/save/https://www.amazon.com/Seduction-Hypnotic-Training-Psychic-Powerful/dp/B00AVYZK5A

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