William Bengston – Hands On Healing – A Training Course On Energy Cure

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William Bengston – Hands On Healing – A Training Course On Energy Cure


Does hands-on healing work, and can it be taught? Like many scientists, Dr. William Bengston would once have dismissed this phenomenon as an example of the power of suggestion. But after 35 years of extraordinary research, Dr. Bengston has demonstrated time and again that hands-on healing works―even on some conditions that have no conventional treatment. With Hands-On Healing, he brings you an in-depth training course in the method that produces reliable results in the laboratory―and can trigger profound transformation and healing for those who learn it.

Image Cycling―The Key to Hands-On Healing

At the core of Dr. Bengston’s hands-on healing method is a unique process he calls “image cycling.” Requiring no preconceptions, beliefs, or inherent psychic gifts, this learnable skill circumvents our conscious limitations in order to access a deeper source of healing intelligence that we all possess. With detailed instruction, competency-building exercises, and playful strategies for getting your own ego out of the way, Dr. Bengston guides you through each step toward mastery of this powerful technique.

Learn Potent Tools to Spark Your Healing Potential

Skeptical scientists and energy practitioners alike have been astonished by the consistent, measurable success of Dr. Bengston’s healing method. Yet even after decades of study, Dr. Bengston theorizes that we have only glimpsed a tiny fraction of our potential. With the program Hands-On Healing, he invites you learn a powerful technique to ignite your own abilities―and to join him in an ever-expanding experiment to chart our untapped capacity for healing.

William Bengston
William Bengston, PhD, is a professor of sociology at St. Joseph’s College in New York and author of The Energy Cure. In his early 20s, he received hands-on healing that ended his chronic back pain. A self-proclaimed rationalist, he began a 35-year investigation that has made him one of today’s leading researchers into the mystery and power of energy medicine. For more information visit bengstonresearch.com or write

Audio CD: 6 pages
Publisher: Sounds True (October 1, 2010)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1591799147
ISBN-13: 978-1591799146
Product Dimensions: 6.4 x 1 x 7.8 inches

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