Yogi Bhajan – Lifecycles And Lifestyles – Aquarian Teacher Series

$22.00 $55.68 Sale

Yogi Bhajan - Lifecycles And Lifestyles - Aquarian Teacher Series

Yogi Bhajan – Lifecycles And Lifestyles – Aquarian Teacher Series

For Yogi Bhajan – Lifecycles And Lifestyles – Aquarian Teacher Series

Life is in stages; the body is in stages. You are a child, an adult, and then you become old. Each stage needs to be respected. At each stage, the mind should cover the body and the spirit should cover the mind. If this happens, it brings you balance, virtues and prosperity. ” —Yogi Bhajan

LifeCycles and LifeStyles Level Two Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training

This Level Two Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training is for teachers and practitioners who have completed and passed the Kundalini Yoga Level One course.  It will be held for two weekends in March and April of 2015 (Friday, Saturday & Sunday). Course Summary: This 50 hour course provides a powerful experience to explore and understand your life experience so that you can face your past pain, plan for you future and experience gratitude for the process.  This course begins by clearing away our self-misconceptions and establishing a clear understanding of who we are as human beings, our self-concept, our individual identity and purpose.  Based on this renewed foundation, then we can powerfully engage each stage of our life and make the best lifestyle choices to support our growth and to keep us healthy. This course is a chance to gain new insights as you move forward in the cycles of life; about you and your relationship to your destiny cycle. • Discover your purpose: Do you define it for yourself, or is it defined externally by fate or destiny? • Map out the stages and cycle of your life • Identify habits, cycles and practices that help and hinder your life in the present, past and future • Confront fear of death and learn to live weightlessly • Live your dharma not your karma • Prepare for death and understand the shifts in Prana • Sustain creative energy through cycle shifts and aging • Discover foods, habits and herbs to support changes throughout life

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– In case the link is broken for any reason, please contact us and we will resend a new download link.
– If you can’t find the download link, please don’t worry about it. This course is usually available and shipped within one day
– The course you purchased will have lifetime access
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