Adrian Ingram – Jazz for the Electric Blues Guitarist

$9.00 $30.00 Sale

Adrian Ingram – Jazz for the Electric Blues Guitarist

Jazz For The Electric Blues Guitarist provides a valuable lesson for those who wish to introduce sophisticated jazz lines and more advanced chord concepts into their playing. This information-packed lesson takes the player on an exciting journey from the basic “jazz” blues progression to advanced chord substitution. Turnarounds and chord families, together with further elaborations and inversions are also discussed, in an easy to understand way, which will spice up your blues playing in no time. As the DVD unfolds, Adrian Ingram reveals the secrets of jazz substitution and improvisation, showing how the fundamental concepts can be used to lift your blues playing onto a higher plateau. Coloristic devices, such as Charlie Christian’s worry notes and Wes Montgomery’s octaves are also discussed. A detailed tab/music instructional booklet is included as a PDF file on the DVD.

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