Arash Dibazar – The Science of Attraction: Flirting.Sex and How to Engineer Love


Arash Dibazar-The Science of Attraction: Flirting.Sex and How to Engineer Love


Do you want psychologically proven ways to attract the opposite sex, flirt better, and create chemistry? Or to take advantage of how we’re biologically wired to engineer love? How can you use The Science of Attraction to cut through the games to date and love better? Everyone has an opinion on attraction, dating, and relationships – but their opinions are usually based on a sample size of one, themselves. Utilizing studies both new and classic helps us reach a deeper understanding of ourselves and others. Why we like who we like, and what to do about it. The Science of Attraction is part textbook, with peer-received research, and part advice manual, with thorough analysis and takeaways to create better relationships. If you want to understand people better, from first dates to close friends, this book has the scientific insight to reach epiphanies. What about attraction will you learn? • Chapter 1. The four-step sequence to flirting, sex, and love. • Chapter 2. How to create electric touch. • Chapter 4. The sexiness of unavailability. • Chapter 5. Five modes of effective flirting. Interested in more? • Chapter 10. Freud’s saving grace. • Chapter 12. “Let’s just be friends.” • Chapter 14. What’s kink got do with it? • Chapter 15. The ugly truth of beauty. Attraction isn’t just about romance and dating – it’s how you relate to everyone in your life. Learning The Science of Attraction opens your eyes to how people think and if you know how someone thinks… you’re in. Of course, this knowledge will help you read and understand the object of your affection, whether married or still hunting/dating, to create more positivity and occasionally make you a mind reader. It’s powerful knowledge to have and internalize. Don’t hesitate to pick up your copy today by clicking the BUY NOW button at the top of this page! P.S. Attraction is a universal quality, improve your charisma quotient with more of it.

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