Dawson Church – The EFT Health Mastery Training

$52.00 $297.00 Sale


Dawson Church – The EFT Health Mastery Training

What You’ll Discover in These 7 Weeks

Course sessions are on Thursdays at 5:00pm Pacific.

In this 7-week training, Dawson will guide you through fundamental transformational practices designed to unlock pathways to a more vibrant life.

Each weekly LIVE contemplation and training session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools and principles you’ll need to liberate the “genie” in YOUR genes.

Module 1: The Quick Start Guide (September 21)

We’ll learn EFT fast — aided by the 12-minute video,The EFT Basic Recipe — and start applying it from the beginning of the course! In this first module, we’ll cover the basic acupressure points, and how to formulate the language that works best with your unique brain. You’ll discover how to test your results so you use tapping most efficiently. You’ll tap on one of your actual issues to show you how effectively EFT can work for you from the moment you start!

You’ll discover:

  • Where the key acupressure points are, and what makes the points used in EFT special
  • The 3-part formula that automatically allows you to find the words with the most healing power
  • The essential ingredients in using EFT correctly and immediately
  • How to test EFT’s effects on your emotions and body

Module 2: The Basic Recipe (September 28)

Just like cooking, there are certain essential ingredients that enable you to get the most out of EFT. Here we’ll go deeper into EFT’s “Basic Recipe,” the components you need to combine for success. We’ll explore the science behind each one, and practice putting them all together as we work on boosting both your health and happiness.

You’ll discover:

  • How EFT’s “Basic Recipe” makes constructing a tapping session easy
  • What research tells us about the “why” behind each part of EFT’s formula
  • How to notice both subtle and obvious signs of change
  • How to use EFT proactively to heal your past hurts and disappointments — even the ones you never believed you’d get over

Module 3: Inspiring Stories of Healing & Wellness (October 5)

We’ve collected more than 5,000 case histories written by people who’ve had health breakthroughs with EFT. We’ll share some of these real-life stories, and inspire you with the possibilities that tapping can make in your health. You’ll discover how to reduce stress and how to increase your vitality and wellbeing.

You’ll discover:

  • The remarkable ways that emotional healing can help people with physical health issues like blood sugar problems, chronic pain, the flu and countless more examples
  • The way psychological and physical problems are related, and how tapping can improve both simultaneously
  • How tapping can remove the blocks to your potential and what you believe you can accomplish
  • The positive changes that happen in the body when stress is tapped away

Module 4: The Science Behind EFT (October 12) (Pre-recorded)

Clinical EFT works! It’s evidence-based and backed by over 100 papers published in peer-reviewed journals. What does this science tell us about how it works? We’ll share the fascinating research that shows how EFT works deep in your body as it reduces cortisol, boosts immunity hormones, and shifts the regulations of your genes. We’ll also review the studies showing how EFT has been used to successfully treat a wide range of psychological and physical problems. These range from PTSD, depression and anxiety to pain and autoimmune diseases.

You’ll discover:

  • What research tells us about the effects of EFT on psychological problems like anxiety and depression
  • How even serious conditions like clinical PTSD have been effectively treated with tapping
  • What happens in the body when emotional distress is removed
  • The way in which EFT is an epigenetic intervention, changing your gene expression

Module 5: How to Use EFT for the Big Five Life Areas (October 19)

People typically have their biggest challenges in one of these five life areas:

  • Money
  • Health
  • Work
  • Relationships
  • Spirituality

Which one do you struggle with the most? And how can you apply EFT to this area most effectively? We’ll look at case histories from each life area and show how people have quickly improved their most challenging areas through tapping. We’ll also explore how you can use tapping to make your most successful life area even better.

Module 6: The Enhanced Recipe for Health (October 26)

One of the hottest new areas of neuroscience is called Memory Reconsolidation and Extinction. Using these techniques, you can literally overwrite patterns that hold you back, just like erasing a dysfunctional hard drive. This module reveals techniques that mimic the way the brain processes information — and how to use them to rewrite your own internal stories around health and your body.

You’ll understand:

  • How the brain uses 6 basic brain waves to process information
  • The way tapping mimics the way your brain naturally releases stress during sleep and meditation
  • The advanced techniques that can erase trauma even when every other method — including regular EFT — has failed
  • The 4-hour neural window during which memory reconsolidation is possible
  • The 3 conditions essential to revising old traumatic memories in the brain

Module 7: Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself (November 2) (Pre-recorded)

The self we’re accustomed to is often a small fragment of our full potential. We know we can be more, but how do we escape the familiar neurochemicals and behaviors that keep us playing small? This module shows you how to recognize the hormonal signals of limitation, and how to use tapping to transcend the old self as you claim your full potential.

You’ll discover:

  • The way that past conditioning keeps us stuck despite our best intentions
  • Why visualization and affirmations often don’t work, and how tapping turbocharges them
  • The subtle and surprising hormonal signals your body gives you when you hit an unconscious barrier
  • How tapping helps us recover parts of ourselves we had lost

The EFT Health Mastery Training Bonus Collection

In addition to Dawson’s transformative 7-week virtual course, you’ll receive these powerful training sessions with leading visionaries and teachers. These bonus sessions complement the course — and promise to take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.

Tuning Consciousness to the Universe
Audio Dialogue With Dawson Church and John Gray

In this fascinating conversation, John Gray shares with Dawson how he accesses expanded states of consciousness. John shares how one thought, out of nowhere, changed his whole life and how oftentimes important intentions arise from moments of intense suffering. He also talks about the important role of service and meditation — how meditation raises motivational neurotransmitters like dopamine — in connecting to the consciousness of the Universe.

John Gray is a leading relationship expert and bestselling author of Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus. John’s books have sold over 50 million copies in 50 different languages around the world. Through his highly acclaimed books, videos and transformational seminars, John’s purpose is to create a world in which men and women understand, respect, appreciate and ultimately work together. In his book, Work With Me: The 8 Blind Spots between Men and Women in Business, he teaches us how to achieve a more comfortable and productive work environment. John’s new book, Staying Focused in a Hyper World: Natural Solutions for ADHD, Memory and Brain Performance, provides practical strategies for improving relationships at all ages and stages of life.

High Tech Happiness
Audio Dialogue With Dawson Church and Jonathan Robinson

In this audio dialogue, Dawson talks with Jonathan Robinson about transformational technologies and how they are getting better every year. There are now natural and legal substances that can boost cognitive power and improve moods. Devices that manage the brain’s EEG rhythms to produce feelings of euphoria are now on the market. Apps are available to produce greater levels of health, happiness and relationship satisfaction. In the sea of offerings, there are many ineffective devices and pills; this is a guide to some of the best ones. Jonathan explains that internal success is everything in choosing technologies — the Universe gives you hot and cold signals. Hot, you’re getting closer. Cold, you’re getting further away.

Jonathan Robinson is a psychotherapist, bestselling author of 10 books, and a professional speaker from Northern California. He has reached over 250 million people around the world with his practical methods, and his work has been translated into 47 languages. Articles about Jonathan have appeared in USA TODAYNewsweek, and the Los Angeles Times, as well as dozens of other publications. In addition, Jonathan has made numerous appearances on Oprah and CNN, as well as other national TV talk shows. He has spent over 35 years studying the most practical and powerful methods for personal and professional development.

Thoughts to Things: How Our Brains Transform Energy Into Matter
Audio Interview With Dawson Church Hosted by Dondi Dahlin

Every creation begins as a thought. When we have an intention, a complex chain of events begins in our brains. Neurons fire and create electromagnetic fields. These fields are invisible energy, yet they condition the molecules of matter around us. Intentions projected into the field result in material creations. Join the founder of the National Institute for Integrative Healthcare, Dawson Church, PhD as he traces the science behind each link in the chain from thought to thing — showing the surprising ways our intentions create the world around us.

During this remarkable session, you’ll discover:

  • Ample scientific proof that energy fields, though invisible, condition the visible world of matter
  • How to shape matter simply by cultivating the habit of intentional energy
  • When intention is strongly held over time, synchronicities and coincidences bring about our desired changes without effort

Dondi Dahlin grew up in the world of Energy Medicine. She co-authored The Little Book of Energy Medicine with her mom Donna Eden, and her book The Five Elements was released by Tarcher in 2016. Dondi is the creator of “The Wednesday Energy Minutes,” which are 60-second clips based on Energy Medicine techniques and filmed at locations across the globe. Dondi travels with her mom, spreading Eden Energy Medicine and the Five Elements through international workshops. She is a sought-after speaker and MC for conventions and conferences.

The Genie in Your Genes
Audio Dialogue With Dawson Church and Lion Goodman

In this audio dialogue, Lion Goodman interviews Dawson about how your beliefs can impact your genetic programming, and therefore your health. An expert in epigenetics, Dawson is one of the leadings luminaries in the new field of Energy Medicine.

Lion Goodman has 35 years experience as an executive coach, counselor and healer. He has coached business owners, technology executives and change agents around the world. Lion is the creator of The Clear Beliefs Process, a proprietary methodology for shifting beliefs at the core of the psyche, which he has taught to hundreds of coaches and therapists internationally.

Lion was Director of Men’s Programs at The Shift Network, which served more than 20,000 participants, and has taught workshops and trainings across the U.S. and Europe. He is the author of Creating on Purpose (with Anodea Judith, PhD), Menlightenment: A Book for Awakening Men, and Clear Your Beliefs.

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– The course you purchased will have lifetime access
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