Elise McDowell – Ebook Empire

$32.00 $197.00 Sale

Elise McDowell – Ebook Empire



Whether you’re at the very beginner stage of creating an ebook, or you’ve already got one in the works, this is the course for you.

I’ve written over 8+ ebooks since I started my company, House of Brazen.

The first ebook I created was called How to Make Your First Affiliate Sale in 24 Hours (it’s now called Paid by Pinterest and been turned into a course).

I made it in Apple Pages, it was 25 pages long and 90% screenshots.

I sold it for $7, then $9, then $19 and then $25.

And in it’s first year it made $30,000 dollars.

Since then I’ve made over 6-figures in selling ebooks in my business.

I absolutely LOVE creating ebooks. They’re my favourite digital product to make because they require nothing more than a word document – and a few free graphics if you want to be fancy – to create.

A few other reasons I love them are..

Because they’re perceived as a low-cost and more affordable product, you will naturally have a bigger chunk of your audience purchasing it as opposed to a $497 dollar course or premium one-on-one services.

They also teach you A LOT about sales, marketing, customer service and customer experience that makes you a better business owner solely because you have such a higher intake of customers.

And they can help you create a large customer base. And if someone buys from you once, they’re far more likely to buy from you again. I’ve had over 13000 people buy my first ebook and a huge percentage of those customers have gone on to be repeat customers over and over again.

But you wanna know the main reason I love ebooks so much? It’s that they’re 100% my style. Simple, easy and straight forward.

If you’re a blogger, entrepreneur or online business owner and you’ve had your mind set on creating an ebook, my course Ebook Empire is for you.

Here’s what Ebook Empire will help you with:

  • Earn money while blogging and running a business at home
  • Offer value to others through your ebooks
  • Create a new, consistent revenue stream for your business
  • Give you the confidence to teach your knowledge

A few things you’ll learn:

  • How to find your awesome ebook idea using Pinterest, Amazon, Facebook and more
  • How to make sure that ebook idea will be profitable through my fave form of testing
  • How to easily outline your whole ebook in less than an hour (my personal process)
  • How to design your format for free in Canva, Apple Pages and Google Docs
  • How to design your ebook cover for free in Canva (it’s seriously the best tool ever!)
  • The must-have elements you need in your ebook
  • How to market your ebook when it’s ready to be put out into the world
  • How to create a high converting sales page
  • How to make sales from your ebook when you don’t have an email list
  • How to set up an evergreen funnel and make passive income from your ebook

Creating an ebook is just one part of building a successful business. The second part is GETTING SALES! And not just when you ‘launch’ but on a consistent daily basis! That’s what makes Ebook Empire so different. You’ll learn how to create your product AND build an evergreen funnel to it!

Here’s what you’ll get in Elise McDowell – Ebook Empire

Screen Recording 2021-06-08 at AM

Salepage : Elise McDowell – Ebook Empire

Shipping method

– After making a purchase, you will see a View your order link to the Downloads page. Here you can download all the files related to your order.
– In case the link is broken for any reason, please contact us and we will resend a new download link.
– If you can’t find the download link, please don’t worry about it. This course is usually available and shipped within one day
– The course you purchased will have lifetime access
– Our support staff is the best by far! Please contact us at email: [email protected] and we will be happy to help!