iAwake Technologies – Vaporize Performance Anxiety

$9.00 $27.00 Sale

iAwake Technologies – Vaporize Performance Anxiety

Use Vaporize Performance Anxiety when:

  • you are worried about an upcoming performance.
  • you have to lead a meeting that requires you to be centered.
  • you are about to take a test.
  • you have a game coming up.
  • when you want to experience more flow.

I’ve always been a bit of an anxious person in general, and incredibly shy as well. It seems the norm for me to be uncomfortable in groups and even awkward around some people I know quite well.

I recently had a reunion of sorts (that I just couldn’t get out of) with some people I hadn’t seen in years. Needless to say, I was more than a little nervous.

I got VPA hoping for an outside chance that it would make some kind of a dent in my problem. I listened to the track once following the written guided meditation in the manual, and then listened to it immediately again with a mantra-based meditation I regularly practice… The results were palpable! I could actually feel a physical change! During my event, I was outgoing, even gregarious! I was the me I always want to be around people, but never manage to.

All this from just a couple listens right before my outing! I can’t wait to see what emerges when I make this track a part of my ongoing regular practice! Thanks! ~ Dave

Sale Page : https://www.iawaketechnologies.com/product/vaporize-performance-anxiety/

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– If you can’t find the download link, please don’t worry about it. This course is usually available and shipped within one day
– The course you purchased will have lifetime access
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