Joe Dispenza – Rewired Episode 13: Blessing of the Energy Centers

$29.00 $99.00 Sale

Joe Dispenza - Rewired Episode 13: Blessing of the Energy Centers

Joe Dispenza – Rewired Episode 13: Blessing of the Energy Centers

Dr. Joe Dispenza walks us through a meditation he calls, the Blessing of the Energy Centers. It is a way we can tune into our own energy by creating coherence in each of the chakras. He explains that these points in the body are much more than chakras. There are certain glands of the endocrine system located at each of these points, and each one has its own brain.

Just as we learned to create coherence in the brain and heart, we can create coherence in each of these energy centers. Doing this gives us a means of tuning into our own energy, creating coherence, and sending healing throughout the whole body.

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