John Berardi – Precision Nutrition System V3

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John Berardi - Precision Nutrition System V3John Berardi – Precision Nutrition System V3

It’s a mess out there, isn’t it? With fad diets, hard-to-follow nutrition information, and a flashy new app every week, the fitness world can be a confusing place. Is it any wonder that most people have a hard time getting in shape?

With the Precision Nutrition System, we’re aiming to fix that.

How? By giving control back to the people who are ready to make a change…and who want something more than just another stupid diet book.

The best nutrition and lifestyle information science has to offer. Time-tested with nearly 100,000 clients of all shapes and sizes. Distilled down into one complete system.

We all know we need to eat better. The trouble is…how?

Lots of people have ideas on that, of course. I’m one of them. Though my ideas are likely a little different than what you’ve heard before.

My name is Dr. John Berardi and I’m co-founder of Precision Nutrition, the website you’re reading right now.

I’ve worked in the nutrition and fitness industry for over 2 decades.

Along the way I’ve done some nerdy things like earn my PhD in nutritional biochemistry and teach university-level nutrition courses.

I’ve also done some not-so-nerdy things like work with pro athletes and show personal trainers how to get better results with their clients.

The thing I’m most proud of, though, is the work I do with my Precision Nutrition team.

Over the last 15 years, we’ve tested the method behind Precision Nutrition Coaching with nearly 100,000 clients. Plus, several peer-reviewed research papers have documented the safety and effectiveness of our approach.

In our coaching research program, we take the most up-to-date science and actually test it with real people to see what works and what doesn’t work. There’s nothing else like it in the world.

Helping people take control of their own health and fitness is meaningful work we truly love and take a lot of pride in here at Precision Nutrition.

Which is why I’m a little saddened — and, honestly, a little angry — with the state of the nutrition and fitness industry right now.

It’s way too confusing for most people to figure out. And that bothers me. Especially whenever “the next big diet” comes around.

I’m saddened because I see a bunch of hopeful people put their trust in a diet or philosophy that will end up failing them in the long-run…but that will make the creators and proponents of that diet rich and famous in the short term.

Of course, I don’t blame the people who want to make a change and get in shape.

I feel for them, because those are the kind of people we work with every day.

They’re people with real lives and jobs and responsibilities to focus on. All they want to know is how to eat better so they can live healthier, more fulfilling lives. And in my opinion, everyone deserves access to the best information.

No, the people I blame are the “experts” who crank out diets or claim that one way of eating is superior to every other way of eating.

They make this whole nutrition thing way more confusing and polarizing than it needs to be.

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