John Demartini – Speed Reading & Learning Dynamics


John Demartini – Speed Reading & Learning Dynamics

For John Demartini – Speed Reading & Learning Dynamics

Today a reader, tomorrow a leader – W. Fusselman

Today a reader, tomorrow a leader

– W. Fusselman

As a planet orbits the sun it moves slower then faster, slower then faster, so readers read slower then faster, slower then faster. There is a natural rhythm and balance between these two velocities of motion and reading.

Ideas enter into the brain and produce both slower verbal messages and faster visual images. When you read slowly, you read with left brain dominance and you read vocally. When you read fast, you read with right brain dominance and read visually.

You will learn how to use your whole brain to read as Dr. John Demartini shares techniques to help you master and expand your reading and learning. Learn how to double, triple or more, your learning capacity in this inspiring morning seminar.

Dr. Demartini will also address the following in this inspired session:

  • How emotional charges impact on learning and reading
  • Master whole brain reading by moving from speed of sound to speed of light
  • Learn techniques to improve and expand both learning and reading capacity
  • Bring more comprehension to your reading
  • Expand your retention
  • Increase the organization of your thoughts

Learn in a few hours what some people will not learn in their entire lifetime…

Get Download John Demartini – Speed Reading & Learning Dynamics

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