John Gray, Arjuna Ardagh – Conscious Men Online Course

$42.00 $197.00 Sale

John Gray, Arjuna Ardagh - Conscious Men Online Course

John Gray, Arjuna Ardagh – Conscious Men Online Course

Do You Think You Are A Conscious Man?

What does that even mean, right?

Huge changes have happened in the roles of men and women. Social media has removed our face to face interactions. Men who just want to be the best partner, friend and lover they can be are confused and imbalanced.
How is a man supposed to know what to do?

We didn’t think so. You’re probably feeling your consciousness sideslip away. Your masculinity feels atrophied. Life keeps hitting you with curve balls. Your mate is unhappy with you. You feel powerless to control your own environment.
Are you the man you want to be?
How do you get more consciousness?

You need access to the wisdom of elders
You need a set of ongoing practices
You need a community of men you can share with and learn from

What will it cost you if you don’t find consciousness?

You’re going to be that guy you don’t want to be
Your wife isn’t attracted to you anymore
Life is meaningless, without resonance or power
You haven’t built the “kingdom” you thought you’d have

Wise men John Gray and Arjuna Ardagh have put a program together for you, so you can be wise in building your new consciousness.
John Gray

John Gray is the leading relationship expert in the world. His relationship and health books have sold over 50 million copies in 50 different languages. His groundbreaking book, Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus, is the #1 best-selling relationship book of all time. John helps men and women better understand and respect their differences in both personal and professional relationships. He lives in Northern California with his wife of 30 years, Bonnie. They have 3 grown daughters & 4 grandchildren.
Arjuna Ardagh
Author/Founder- Awakening Coach

Arjuna Ardagh is the founder of Awakening Coaching, a writer and public speaker. He is the author of eight books, including the 2005 #1 national best-seller The Translucent Revolution, and Better than Sex, the complete introduction to Awakening Coaching. He has been a speaker at conferences all over the world, including at Google and the United Nations. He lives with his wife, Chameli, in California. They have two grown sons, as well as the world’s most enlightened cat.
This roadmap will lead you to:

More inner peace & confidence
More intimacy and passion with your mate
More personal power
More humor, fun and happiness in your life

John Gray and Arjuna Ardagh created the Conscious Men program to help unravel some of the tangled perceptions of being a conscious man in today’s world and give men ways to be more balanced.
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Dawa Phillips

Get 250 Short Videos from 21 elders of conscious leadership.

The Conscious Men online course identifies for you the qualities that are present when a man relaxes into what is good and natural and right…when he discovers his true masculinity. John Gray and Arjuna Ardagh have built the Conscious Men program, based on their book of the same name, by interviewing some of the most conscious, awake elders of the world today.

This life changing program includes:

The Conscious Men Wisdom Circles with access to more than 250 videos of the most intimate thoughts and ideas from 21 elders of conscious leadership
The 12 Qualities of the New Masculinity mapped out according to biology and explained in detail
Access to more than 50 short practices with tools you can use daily to increase the qualities you want to increase
Access to a global community of men, so you can learn what other men are thinking and doing…a sharing space

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– If you can’t find the download link, please don’t worry about it. This course is usually available and shipped within one day
– The course you purchased will have lifetime access
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