K.P. Khalsa – Ayurvedic Herbalism for Women

$52.00 $297.00 Sale


K.P. Khalsa – Ayurvedic Herbalism for Women

What You’ll Discover in These 7 Modules

In this 7-part transformational video training, K.P. Khalsa will guide you to apply Ayurvedic remedies to decrease inflammation, prevent disease, alleviate pain, sleep better, and slow the aging process. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous sessions to give you a holistic, practical understanding of Ayurveda’s principles, remedies, and dosages for women.

Module 1: Healing Inflammation
Root Causes & Powerful Cures

Inflammation is your body’s natural short-term response to injury, trauma, or infection. Long-term inflammation, however, can be destructive and cause a whole host of problems, including circulation issues, digestive problems, allergies, and food sensitivities.

Further, these problems can be exacerbated by fatigue, stress, and improper diet and nutrition. Women are much more likely to experience inflammatory conditions than men — by a long shot. Fortunately, you can count on Ayurveda to quell the fire.

In this session, you’ll discover:

  • The Ayurvedic joint herb that has captured the attention of the medical community
  • A common herb that’s one of the best detoxifying remedies in the world
  • A top-line anti-inflammatory herb you probably have in your yard
  • An Ayurvedic herb for cardiovascular inflammation
  • Daily fundamentals: foods for your personal body type

Module 2: Secrets of Detoxification
Why, When & How to Dump the Garbage

Detox is the buzzword du jour. The question is, what exactly is detox and how exactly do you do it? Does everyone have to do it the same way? According to Ayurveda, no.

Detox involves so much more than just smoothies and fad diets. Join us for some cutting-edge Ayurvedic methods to dig deep into your tissues and dump the garbage. Ayurveda excels in knowing when and how to detox. It’s all individualized because we all need different approaches. Find the approach that’s right for your body, and you’re halfway home.

In this session, you’ll discover:

  • Why Ayurveda says that detoxification is the most important healing property
  • The connection between digestion and detoxification
  • Fast-acting herbs that detoxify
  • How and when to detoxify properly, Ayurveda style
  • Daily fundamentals: home treatments for a strong, clean body

Module 3: End Brain Fog
Proven Remedies to Clear Your Mind & Sharpen Your Memory

Forgetting the occasional name or losing your car keys is one thing. It may be annoying, but it’s pretty common and nothing to worry about. Forgetting a friend’s name, but also how you know them, can signal an issue that needs attention. Let it go untreated long enough, and brain fog can impede simple tasks.

In this session, you’ll discover:

  • One of the most well-researched herbs for the brain, memory, and intellect
  • The Ayurvedic master formula for healing spaciness, confusion, and unclear thinking
  • The most widely used Ayurvedic formula for brain fatigue
  • An herb to boost memory at any age
  • Daily fundamentals: simple home teas for a strong nervous system

Module 4: Deep Sleep
The Great Healer of Stress & Dis-ease

No doubt about it, sleep is a popular topic these days. We’ve been pushing through with massive stress and too little sleep for decades, and it’s catching up to us. Have you noticed that sleep is the newest health remedy, with everyone from celebrities to holistic doctors talking about it?

Sleep plays a vital role in your physical health. For example, sleep is involved in the healing and repair of your heart and blood vessels. And ongoing sleep deficiency is linked to an increased risk of heart disease, kidney disease, high-blood pressure, diabetes, and stroke.

Fortunately, Ayurveda has a raft of new sleep remedies we can look at. We’ll dig into three of the best sleep remedies for women.

In this session, you’ll discover:

  • How to pick the right herb to fall asleep and stay asleep
  • How to separate and treat short-term sleeplessness and chronic insomnia
  • How digestion affects your sleep
  • An herb that gives you a consistent 8 hours of nightly sleep
  • Daily fundamentals: lifestyle routines to maintain great health

Module 5: Conquer Acute Pain & Heal Chronic Conditions

Pain may be the most disruptive thing you can experience in your daily life. A simple tummy ache can make you feel like you’ll never feel right again. Many excellent, new pain-relieving drugs are available, but they all seem to have unfavorable side effects.

Ayurvedic herbal remedies can give you the relief you need — without the concern for future problems or unwanted effects. We’ll discuss a range of Ayurvedic pain-relieving herbs for women and how to use them safely and effectively.

In this session, you’ll discover:

  • How to attack and conquer acute pain and chronic pain
  • A common herb you have in your kitchen that’s a pain-relieving powerhouse
  • An herb that rivals drugs for chronic inflammatory pain
  • A cooling herb that reduces pain and improves your meditation
  • Daily fundamentals: Ayurvedic bodywork and topical treatments

Module 6: Slow Aging & Re-energize Your Body, Mind & Spirit

Why wait until you’re broken to start fixing your symptoms of aging? You may be young or feel young now, but getting older is going to happen to all of us, whether you like it or not. And living in denial won’t help!

Do you already feel like the aging clock is draining your energy? Ayurveda assures you that you can have boundless energy and a long, full life. Why wait to get energized? Get started with Ayurveda’s age-old herbal remedies.

Let’s whip diseased aging and the downward path that takes us there by taking some serious steps toward prevention. Osteoporosis, prostatitis, arthritis, memory loss, and cardiovascular disease all start decades before they become serious or irreversible. Ayurveda can help you put off these miseries and have a healthy elderhood, with plenty of energy.

In this session, you’ll discover:

  • Fast-acting energizing herbs
  • Long-term stamina herbs
  • How to live to be 100, with good energy
  • How to choose herbs to stay energized for many years to come
  • Daily fundamentals: how to eat for energy

Module 7: Boost Your Mood & Your Immune System


Many people, especially women, experience anxiety that can be on the verge of disabling. If you’re feeling a bit tense today, it’s no surprise — we live in an uneasy world. The pace of life continues to ramp up, and our whole civilization is becoming more agitated.

The result is more anxiety, playing havoc on our bodies and creating a host of uncomfortable stress symptoms and depression. But these gut-clenching feelings are not the end of the story — not when we can call upon some truly effective Ayurvedic anti-anxiety herbs.

After this class, you’ll have the tools you need to start reducing and eliminating your anxiety.

In this session, you’ll discover:

  • Why you feel anxious, and what to do about it
  • How to use lifestyle herbs to stay calm and centered
  • One of the most popular mood herbs in Ayurveda today
  • An Ayurvedic herb that promotes digestion, stamina, hormone balance, and a strong immune system
  • Daily fundamentals: techniques to stay calm in a hectic world

The Ayurvedic Herbalism for Women Bonus Collection

In addition to K.P. Khalsa’s transformative 7-part virtual course, you’ll receive these practical bonuses. These bonus materials complement the course — and promise to deepen your understanding and integration of Ayurvedic Herbalism into your daily life.

Ayurveda Facials
Webinar With K.P. Khalsa

Ayurveda talks about the three pillars of beauty — inner beauty, outer beauty, and lasting beauty. We’ll study natural ingredients to apply as facial beauty treatments, and we’ll learn some facial treatments for some skin problems and common challenges. In this webinar, we’ll jump on a variety of types of facials, including masks, muds, rinses, and packs. Treat yourself to apple, avocado, banana, coconut, pear, and melon packs, and study herbal facials, including triphala, rose, and ginger.

You’ll discover how:

  • The 3 body energies (vata, pitta, kapha) affect the skin and how we can choose proper skin remedies
  • To prepare and apply many natural remedies — including some common kitchen fruits, vegetables, and herbs — as facial treatments
  • To select the best oil for your face
  • To use several herbal oils from Ayurveda for face health

Cutting-edge Ayurvedic Herbalism in Modern America
Webinar With K.P. Khalsa

In this practical webinar, K.P. Khalsa places special emphasis on herbs of particular interest to therapists and the unique situations they see in their lives and practices. Use Ayurvedic herbs the way they were meant to be used — dynamically!

If you’re a therapist, enhance your repertoire with these herbal clinical pearls. K.P. will emphasize lesser-known, practical therapies that will be exceptional additions to your herbal lifestyle toolkit, but which are reasonably priced, reasonably available, and potent.

Top 10 Ayurvedic Preparations That Are Not Herbs
Webinar With K.P. Khalsa

Many of you are familiar with the “mixed churna” (powder) formula, and you may even be a formulator yourself. What we haven’t seen so much until recently is the wide selection of preparations used in Ayurveda.

According to Ayurveda, the nose is the doorway to the brain, so we often use medicines that go into the nose. That idea took a while to get used to in this culture, but now the neti pot feels right at home. And we also have herbal wines for digestion, the heart, and beyond.

Ayurveda has a long tradition of making herbs and fruits into potent medicinal herbal pastes. Join us to discover the world beyond Ayurvedic powders and pills. We’ll explore finding good-quality products, effective doses, and choices for the right remedies. Includes Wine, Jelly, Herbal ghee, Eye Wash, Neti, Nasya, etc.

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