Lightness of Being – Joy of Being The Yellow Latifa

$27.00 $90.00 Sale

Lightness of Being – Joy of Being The Yellow Latifa

with Karen Johnson, co-founder of the Diamond Approach

It is true that the spiritual journey is not for the faint of heart. It requires steadfastness, discipline, and courage. But the yellow latifa is what also makes it fun. It is the sunny expression of the heart.

How to Be Truly, Freely Happy

It is true that the spiritual journey is not for the faint of heart. It requires steadfastness, discipline, and courage. But the yellow latifa is what also makes it fun. It is the sunny expression of the heart. It comes out when the clouds of ignorance, not knowing, and self-judgement part. It is the spirit of adventure on the journey, of playfulness, happiness, and levity. It re-ignites our curiosity and our delight.

The biggest blocks to our joy are our “shoulds”: Ideas about what is and is not an appropriate emotion, what we should or shouldn’t know, what we think are the “correct” spiritual feelings to have. The yellow latifa helps us reconnect with our joy, work with our past misconceptions, and move beyond our judgements, so we can drop fully and enthusiastically into the naturally occurring phenomenon of happiness.

Once we move past the “shoulds” that limit our sense of what is possible, we can open up to our natural curiosity, the kind we are born  into this world with but that became obscured by our conditioning. Implicit in this kind of openness is a playful curiosity that we can engage in with delight and pleasure.

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