Lisa Suttora – Strategic Biz Marketing 2014

$37.00 $197.00 Sale

Lisa Suttora - Strategic Biz Marketing 2014

Lisa Suttora – Strategic Biz Marketing 2014

For Lisa Suttora – Strategic Biz Marketing 2014

Dear Amazon Merchant,

If you’re ready to take your Amazon sales to the next level, you’re in the right place.

This year, more than 2 billion units will be sold on Amazon by sellers with businesses of all sizes.

But where there’s money, there’s competition, and competition for sales on Amazon is at an all time high.

Because of this…

You can’t just list your products on Amazon and hope that they will sell.

If you want to keep your business three steps ahead of the crowd (or even stay in the game), you can’t just “list it and leave it”.

You must take control of your Amazon sales…

The “secret” to thriving Amazon sales is using a combination of the RIGHT sales and marketing strategies to grow your business.

It’s common sense really. How many successful retailers (online or off) do you know that don’t market?

Yet for some reason there’s this myth going around that Amazon is going to do ALL your marketing and promotion for you.

Would be nice, wouldn’t it. But that’s not reality.

Every day I see people with great products on Amazon that aren’t selling (or aren’t selling as well as they could be.)

However, by implementing the RIGHT sales and marketing strategies at the RIGHT time in your business, you can start to create sales momentum and build your business…

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