Master Wong – Wing Chun Biu Jee 2021

$32.00 $97.00 Sale

Master Wong – Wing Chun Biu Jee 2021

Biu Jee, is the third level of Wing Chun training. It is composed of grappling range techniques, sweeps, low kicks and “emergency techniques” for counter-attacks against your opponent when your centreline has been compromised or if you have been seriously injured.
When you have developed your skills, Biu Jee combines your fine-tuned motor skills with subtle but deadly strikes. This type of technique should only be used if your life is in imminent danger and any alternative options don’t present itself.
This level of skill focuses on soft targets like the eyes, throat and groin areas, including fragile locations like elbows and knees. These type of movements utilize very close-range elbow strikes, eye gouges, finger thrusts and pressure points.
Biu Jee emphasises grabbing body parts to control the adversary. Often, the attacks are meant to disable a limb by breaking, fracturing, or dislocating the joint. Elbows and knees are the two most common Biu Jee areas of attack.
What you’ll learn
Training your natural awareness to increase your perception of situations.
Become Combat Ready
Improve Rapid Response
Learn how to Stabilize core
Chi Sao Breaking Holds
Chi Sao Lock & Hold
Chi Sao Training
Form & Application
Power Training
Grappling Drills
Knife Defence
Instinctive responses
Learn to protect your family and people you care about
Situational awareness prevents problems before they start
Conditioning your body into a weapon

BONUS: Download Resources
About Wing Chun 10:12:2019.pdf
15.8 MB
Wing Chun Biu Jee 12 Week Training Program.pdf
16.9 MB
Nutrition For Performance and Recovery.pdf
8.53 MB
Biu Jee I’M a Student.jpg
60 KB
Facebook Social Media Wing Chun biu jee.jpg
104 KB

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