Michael Eaves – Successful Nonverbal Communication: Principles and Applications

$22.00 $51.00 Sale

Michael Eaves - Successful Nonverbal Communication: Principles and Applications

Michael Eaves – Successful Nonverbal Communication: Principles and Applications

For Michael Eaves – Successful Nonverbal Communication: Principles and Applications

uccessful Nonverbal Communication: Principles and Applications demonstrates how knowledge of nonverbal messages can affect successful communication in the real world. Now with fifteen chapters, the fifth edition draws students in through applications of the latest nonverbal communication research and through current examples of celebrities, sports, and politicians. This extensive revision describes nonverbal cues and their desirable and undesirable functions while offering original tests for measuring and developing nonverbal communication skills. Updates include new attention to Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, and Barack Obama, and discussion of nonverbal communication within same-sex partnerships.

“Once again Eaves has produced a volume that advances our understanding of the nonverbal code of communication. In the spirit of previous editions, this edition provides readers with a theoretically-sound and well-developed approach to nonverbal communication. ”

-Don W. Stacks, University of Miami, USA

“Michael Eaves has written a must read primer for the understanding of interpersonal communication with contemporary examples and a global perspective…this book was a breath of fresh air.”

-Tomeka M. Robinson, Hofstra University, USA

Author Michael Eaves does an excellent job in his book conveying the concepts of nonverbal communication to a modern audience. Eaves uses up-to-date and relevant examples to help illustrate concepts to the reader. This book is a must read for the nonverbal student and scholar.

-Gina Jensen, Webster University, USA

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