Mike Mandel – Overcoming Stage Fright And Performance Anxiety

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Mike Mandel - Overcoming Stage Fright And Performance Anxiety

Mike Mandel – Overcoming Stage Fright And Performance Anxiety

An award-winning hypnotist and a team of professional speech coaches have developed the most complete conquering fear program in the world.

Don’t you like talking to groups or performing for the crowd? If you want to stand up in front of the audience, how quickly will you notice this discomfort? Sweaty palms, stomach upset or knee instability-these are just “symptoms” of people living in this fear.

You no longer need to be afraid or uncomfortable. I understand that building a strong stage image is critical to your career. Anyone on the stage is a performer. Whether you are watching one of Apple’s latest products in the famous speech delivered by Steve Jobs or watching AC/DC at a concert, the audience is fascinated by the classic sound, these people have already Mastered the art of presentation.

They need not worry about it. No – on the contrary. They tried their best to get energy from the stage.

I want to help you get to this place. I hope you can be there in front of the audience, and be happy to know that you will attract their attention and win your applause.

So, how do you go from your current place of fear to what will become a total comfort and energetic place on stage?

I’m glad you asked.

#1 The key element is the deep desire to overcome this discomfort. If you are not true… I mean, you really want to get rid of this fear, then please continue reading. Unless you really want to achieve excellence, there is no help.
The #2 element is the state of access to abundant resources. When we are just playing games, all of us have a lot of time. We performed flawlessly and looked back in surprise. Whether it’s a perfect shot when playing golf or a timely joke at a party, you know what I mean. It feels good, doesn’t it? You do own these resources to be executed. But when you need them, you may not know how to draw them.
#3 The ingredient is actually crushing your discomfort, so as not to hinder your wit state. Your inner discomfort will fight the state of wit, and the stronger feeling will win. Therefore, it is important to have a simple and effective strategy to absorb those unwanted feelings and be psychologically equivalent to insecticides. Gone, uncomfortable!
#4 and the last element is performance or speaking skills. Once you have overcome the fear that you will overcome, the rest can be put into practice. The good news is that you know your material better than anyone. After all, this is your material. You are in an authoritative position! When you realize this, you will notice that basic exercises to improve sound and materials will make you a superb presenter.

This is your final solution
Overcome stage phobia and performance anxiety.

Stage Fright and Performance Anxiety CD
I want to introduce you the most complete solution in the world to solve performance anxiety and stage phobia. This is the solution you have been waiting for.

The solution is the result of the friendship bond established between the two professionals a few years ago. Mike Mandel is recognized as one of the world’s greatest hypnotists and a highly sought after speaker. A long time ago, he mastered the incredible stage art.

But a few years ago, in a series of particularly difficult stage performances, Mandel’s voice began to be affected. He knew that he might have to cancel some important performances, and was eager to find a solution to preserve his voice. He eventually hired Jay Miller, Toronto’s top professional voice coach, and Mandel saved his voice and conducted a series of speech activities.

Their opportunity gathering is now your chance to overcome performance anxiety and stage fright.

The reasons are as follows:

Personally, Mike Mandel and Jay Miller are already very qualified to help you overcome the fear of public performance. Mandel specializes in hypnosis and more modern energy psychotherapy, such as EFT and BSFF. On the other hand, Jay Miller is a skilled executive voice coach. He has a very successful track record in guiding clients to master the skills needed to become a high performer. That’s right, performing on stage or on the board is like a learned skill like riding a bicycle.

Mandel is one of the best hypnotists in the world. It will train your subconscious mind in tr state to overcome performance anxiety. Mandel will also teach you a completely different method of energy psychology (some say it is more powerful and faster) to alleviate your discomfort. Hypnosis and energy psychology are powerful together.

Therefore, you are no longer afraid. You are not finished yet. Imagine that you are afraid of swimming, and you have overcome this fear so much that you jumped into the water.

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