NewMind Academy – Basic QEEG For Neurofeedback

$59.00 $295.00 Sale

NewMind Academy - Basic QEEG For Neurofeedback

NewMind Academy – Basic QEEG For Neurofeedback

For NewMind Academy – Basic QEEG For Neurofeedback

Basic qEEG for Neurofeedback

18hrs Psychologists (APA)

Basic theory behind qEEG and how to practically apply it in a clinical setting. The emphasis is on application, emphasizing how to interpret qEEG and derive protocols for the purposes of neurofeedback training rather than on advanced theory and medical applications. Basics of recording, artifacting, and montage application are covered as well the fundamental theory behind database construction from an applications perspective. Perfect for those wishing to understand the basic theory behind map interpretation.

Includes full pdfs of critical cited research as well as a growing map library with examples of various disorders and interpretive comments. The course with its resources will continue to evolve as research emerges. And will provide an up to date resource that is cutting edge as well as clinically relevant.


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– If you can’t find the download link, please don’t worry about it. This course is usually available and shipped within one day
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