Psalm Isadora – Urban Kama Sutra

$35.00 $123.00 Sale

Psalm Isadora - Urban Kama Sutra

Psalm Isadora – Urban Kama Sutra

For Psalm Isadora – Urban Kama Sutra

Your biggest sex organ is not between your legs… It’s between your ears!

You’ve guessed it: Your biggest sex organ is your brain!

But unfortunately… instead of using the brain to their advantage in the bedroom (read: mind-blowing orgasms, multiple orgasms and deeply sensual connections), most people let it get in the way of the amazing and fulfilling sex life they desire.

In fact, most people are so “in their heads” that they’re not fully present in their body and the painful results are:

  • mediocre sex for both partners and (hardly) any orgasms for the woman
  • a disconnect between partners that leads to misunderstanding and frustration
  • not loving your own body, judging yourself and assuming “there must be something wrong with you”
  • feeling helpless and like you’re not in charge of your body and your orgasms (and this, my friend, is NOT the truth!)
  • anxiety around sexuality, repressed emotions and feelings of unworthiness
  • frustration, shame and embarrassment for men because they start to believe that they “don’t have what it takes to please a woman”
  • lack of confidence when it comes to your sexual potential and desirability
  • hyper and hypo sexuality – not knowing how to balance your sexual energy because your libido is either too strong or too low
  • numbness and the excruciating fear of missing out big time (because guess what: you were until NOW)…

And so much more unnecessary pain that’s actually easy to avoid!

But maybe that’s not even true for you because your sex life isn’t bad at all… Maybe it’s in fact already amazing but you want to take it to even higher heights of mind-blowing orgasms that are even better than everything else you’ve experienced so far…

  • Now what if I told you that you could have these long-lasting, multiple orgasms that rush through your entire body… TODAY?
  • What if I told you you don’t even need a partner (or sex toy) to get there?
  • And what if I told you that all it takes to experience this sensational pleasure, climax and release is the right technique and loving guidance from an experienced professional?
  • Would you think that sounds too good to be true?

Well, it’s not!

Because this is exactly what I’m going to teach you when you join me for Urban Kama Sutra™:

Get Download Psalm Isadora – Urban Kama Sutra


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