Taylor Welch – Sales Mentor Ascend

$127.00 $1,497.00 Sale

Taylor Welch – Sales Mentor Ascend

Taylor Welch – Sales Mentor Ascend

There is short time window on this.
The guy that Taylor brought in to do this training is Tony Robbins’ top sales guy. Did $80M in sales last year….
Only 9 People Have EVER Seen The Contents of This Thumb Drive, And…
It’s The “Next Level Up” That Took All 9 of Us From Committed and Driven Action-Takers
To Million-Dollar MASTERS of Influence
… In Just Days!
“I will never be able to share these secrets over the internet, for reasons you’ll understand in a moment. But as my congratulations to you, I will ship this thumb drive to your door IF you claim this once-in-a-lifetime offer…”
Right Now Is Your One Chance!
Demand for the secrets inside this thumb drive is OVERWHELMING.
This is the most advanced training on our selling system we’ve ever documented.
Even the members our in-house team had to QUALIFY to gain access to this. And only two of them were allowed inside.
Our clients, even at the highest level who’ve invested near six figures to work with us, have been restricted from this content.
That’s why, ONLY for the next 60 hours…
YOU Have Your One Chance to Claim This Package Now
More than 300 other people from the challenge have already requested access to this page.
Not only because its contents are extremely valuable, and will take anyone’s sales game to the next level. But also because we have a LIMITED number of packages.
Once they’re gone, they’re gone.
And I mean gone forever…
Everyone who buys must sign a legally-binding, non-disclosure agreement.
This material is confidential, costing me millions to produce…
And odds are — by the time you get half way down this page — somebody more committed than the “other 95%” will have already taken the very last package.
So if you’re serious about continuing to up your sales game, don’t wait another second…
“Ship My Package Out to Me Now”
Sunday, 3:53 PM
From the Desk of Taylor Welch
Nashville, TN
Dear trusted advisor,
First of all, congratulations!
To be candid, in the days leading up to the challenge I had no idea what to expect from you and the rest of the crew…
Because (since you sell over the phone) you probably notice all the time that most people go through life telling themselves they want something…
… then doing nothing to follow through on the promises they make with themselves, until their dreams turn into a pile of excuses like “I’m not ready yet”.
That’s exactly who I did not want in the challenge…
So you can imagine my excitement when the group blew up with takeaways / wins / questions on the first day!
It’s an honor to help you with your sales, truly.
And now I’d like to invite you even deeper, and ship you a little black thumb drive with the most ADVANCED sales training we’re ever released.
Until now, only 9 people have EVER received access to this.
It compounds (perfectly) on everything you learned this month.
And if you say “yes” to this once-in-a-lifetime offer, your life will never be the same…
“It’s The Critical ‘Next Step’
For Taking Your Sales Game
To the Next Level”
If you enjoyed the training from our $100 challenge, just wait.
By now you probably already agree that the way we do sales is 100% different than everything you’ve ever seen.
The overwhelming response we get is that it feels better. That’s because instead of looking at your prospects like they’re numbers on a spreadsheet, you become their trusted advisor…
Which always comes with a healthy dose of control.
In fact, just at the results we saw over the last 30 days alone:
… only a small handful of wins from the challenge.
It’s obvious this system is far more effective than the high-pressure / high-volume tactics from the 80s… that everybody’s repacking and rehashing as “brand new”, and bombarding on people like you and your clients.
That’s why…
More and More of The Marketplace is Responding
To This Control-Based “Advisor” frame Every Day
Not only because it’s more effective, but also because of this:
People are recoiling from the barrage of old-fashioned “hard” sales tactics that have become so widespread.
You see, every high-value entrepreneur and closer (that I’ve talked to) is beginning to notice this cross-industry “sales revolution”.
It’s catching on fast, even at the highest levels.
For example…
In a second I’ll introduce you to a man whose team just sold $85MM from a stage in one afternoon. And he said this one control-based sales training is “the best he’s ever witnessed”.
But that’s only the beginning.
What’s really going to blow your mind is this:
Everything you just learned over the last 30 days about how to get control over your sales numbers… Everything that’s already going to transform your life for the better…
That was step one.
The rabbit hole goes deep.
And if you’re committed, get ready because…
This is The Last Sales Training You Will Ever Need
To Maintain a Permanently Increasing Income
You see, Q1 2019 was our best quarter ever.
In March alone, two of our advisors closed more than $800,000 combined and sustained close rates above 60%.
And since they qualified, I wanted to reward them with a training that would take their sales game to an even higher level.
These two superstars have been trained into our Reflex System (same as you). But what I’ve learned after training more than 30 closers to mastery level, is this…
There are nuances of influence and persuasion that can’t be covered without extremely deep immersion.
We call it “hyper-immersion.”
The way we get people from 0-60 in this type of selling system (the way you just experienced inside the 30-day challenge) is perfect for gaining momentum and results as fast as humanly possible.
You’ve already seen how fast it can work.
But to hit that “next level” in your sales game, your level of immersion needs to change with it.
For example, in just a few seconds I’m going to introduce you to a brand new strategy I developed called the “Mid-Week Sales Bridge”.
In short, it’s the most powerful strategy I’ve ever developed for avoiding productivity slumps and sales ruts. And I couldn’t include it in the challenge because it has multiple stages and takes hours to train on effectively…
But the results have already been mind-boggling.
Get Download Taylor Welch – Sales Mentor Ascend

Shipping method

– After making a purchase, you will see a View your order link to the Downloads page. Here you can download all the files related to your order.
– In case the link is broken for any reason, please contact us and we will resend a new download link.
– If you can’t find the download link, please don’t worry about it. This course is usually available and shipped within one day
– The course you purchased will have lifetime access
– Our support staff is the best by far! Please contact us at email: [email protected] and we will be happy to help!