Wendi Friesen – Breakfree End Pom Addiction


Wendi Friesen - Breakfree End Pom AddictionWendi Friesen – Breakfree End Pom Addiction

your problem? Are your relationships suffering? Do you worry that you will never have a normal and satisfying sex life again? It’s time to release the past, overcome your addiction. Wendi has combined years of working with actual clients facing addictions to pornography in 14 sessions. Pornography Addiction destroys lives and relationships. It can be very hard to break. Hypnotherapy can release the habitual state, change the triggers, restore a healthy sexual attitude. Why Hypnosis? In my work with men who are struggling with this, I have found that some very specific methods of hypnosis can restore their mental health. Using these methods, a man can stop the viscous cycle, and become happy and healthy again. Hypnosis is a powerful and fast way to create a belief within yourself that you don’t need porn to feel satisfied. This hypnotherapy program is very unique, because it takes you step by step through the aspects of triggers, habits, causes, and even some unusual direct suggestion techniques that use a double induction voice, to bypass your conscious mind and create change overnight. Will it Work for Me? Why are you here? Like most men who are wondering if they have a problem, you are looking for a solution. You already know that this is interfering with your happiness and your success. Pornography Addiction is a growing problem. With the internet making it so accessible, people from every walk of life are struggling to find a solution. You are not alone. In my work with clients, I have had great success in helping people gain control, and even more important- get a sense of freedom that creates power and a healthy brain state. 14 Hypnotherapy sessions on CDs. Your mind is guided to have a new response, to create new values, and new beliefs. Triggers are installed that put you in control. You will be amazed at how effective hypnosis can be.

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