Wendy De Rosa – Next Level of Intuitive Healing

$110.00 $697.00 Sale


Wendy De Rosa – Next Level of Intuitive Healing

What You’ll Discover in These 16 Sessions

In this 16-session transformational intensive, Wendy will guide you through the fundamental skills and competencies you’ll need to repattern your energy system and move from energy healing, into soul healing. This work is essential to your ability to engage in a deep partnership with the Divine, fulfill your true calling, and thrive in your relationships.

And so you can better connect with Wendy and her teachings, her sessions will be delivered via easy-to-use video. Or if you prefer, you can join her via audio only through your Internet or telephone connection.

This course will feature teachings, training sessions, and experiential guided healings with Wendy. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to sustain your heart to access your spiritual gifts.

Module 1: Opening the Gateway to Divine Healing So Your Body Can Heal


Healing, transformation, and self-actualization require your spirit to be aligned with your physical efforts in transformation. Connecting with your spirit is an engagement and opening of the upper chakras; the Crown, Third-eye, Throat, and Heart.

The Crown chakra is the gateway for Cosmic Divine energy to enter into the body. When it is closed, you are working so much harder from your own personal energy. Efforts, ease, and transformation on the human level happens when the Crown chakra opens and the upper chakras become activated. This allows a shift to occur in the lower chakras which relate to existence on the human level.

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • How to connect with Spirit by opening your upper chakras — the Crown, Third-eye, Throat, and Heart
  • Insights and tools for developing more faith and trust, which relates to the energy centers of your Crown and Root chakras)
  • Practices for opening to love, abundance, higher wisdom, and intuition of the
  • How to receive from the Divine through the back of your Heart chakra

Session 1: Moving From Energy Healing Into Soul Healing

We’ll begin with an introduction to the transition from “in-body” energy healing to soul healing. Wendy will explain key areas of the energetic anatomy, which will be revisited throughout the course. You’ll explore the upper chakras, the backside of these chakras, the Pillar of Light, the healing powers of Divine grace, and define higher guidance.

Session 2: Balancing Faith and Trust Between the Root & Crown Chakras

In this session, you’ll learn how faith, a power of the Crown chakra, needs to be balanced with trust, a power of the Root chakra, in order for the body to heal and manifest your true being into the world. This session will also include clearing the Pillar of Light in the body.

Session 3: The Back Door of Your Heart Clearing Blocks to Receiving

You’ve heard of an open heart. Having an open heart in a way that includes the spiritual heart is not opening the front of the heart. Instead it’s about opening the backside of the heart. The backside corresponds to receiving from the Divine. In order for life, love, abundance, higher wisdom, and intuition to truly manifest, you need a healthy relationship with Source, created in the back of the Heart chakra.

Session 4: Integration Practice Receiving the Light

You’ll apply the tools you’ve learned in the past three sessions to practice receiving from the Divine through your Pillar of Light.

You’ll be guided into a practice in receiving the light. You’ll then be given a practice to work on with each other in group practice sessions.

Module 2: Back Body Consciousness & Clearing of Karma Held in Your Soul


In this module, you’ll be taking a journey of deep healing on the soul level to clear karmas and energetic imprints that may be preventing you from living your true Self in the world.

The roots to many blocks that are carried into the present day often originate in your soul. Wounds from past lifetimes and your family’s lineage can leave a mark with your soul that you carry into this lifetime.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Clear lineage wounds and conditioning, transforming these energy imprints so you can embody your true Self
  • Transform poverty consciousness and victimhood — and heal your beliefs around your worth and money
  • Work on clearing karmic energy blocks and soul-level trauma
  • Tap into the fullness of being, allowing the Divine to flow into you and your life

Session 1: Q&A and Clearing Patterns of Lack & Victimhood

We’ll begin with Q&A to hear how the practice went during the integration. Then, you’ll be guided into the next phase of clearing work which will include clearing the history of poverty consciousness and victimhood.

Although these two imprints may sound different, they have similar roots in lack, fear, and separation from Divine source. We’ll work with energetically clearing these blocks that you may have come into this lifetime with.

Session 2: Clearing Karmic Wounds in Unworthiness to Open the Body Up to Abundance

Worthiness is the ability to have the fullness of yourself. Lack, fear, guilt, and shame are all overtones and undertones of feeling unworthy. When we don’t feel worthy, we can’t have the fullness of light or even gifts from the Divine.

Essentially we’re blocked from abundance which is really the heart’s contentment and fulfillment with the physical world. This session will include clearing your soul’s karma around unworthiness, so you may open up to receiving the abundance of your light. This session includes a guided healing with Wendy.

Session 3: Clearing the Soul History of Trauma Held in the Body

This class is the last big clearing in the back body consciousness and the soul before you open up to connecting with spirit guides and angels. Guides and angels are a frequency. In order to feel and connect to their frequency of Divine love, we must be willing to clear what blocks the light within us, so we are a vibratory match for the guides and angels.

This clearing is to release any more held traumas your soul has carried into this lifetime and may get created or recreated. Some of these traumas could include doctrine traumas, anger at God, persecution for truth, wounds to the feminine, and more. This is powerful soul healing and is followed by a grounding into your body.

Session 4: Integration Rest & Recover

This is your opportunity to rest and recover from all the releasing. Healing and shifting requires letting go and allowing the body to integrate and heal from within. Source yourself and stay connected to your light.

Module 3: Allowing the Mystical Experience & Communication With the Divine


Wounds that make up the ego consciousness form a density in the energetic system that prevents faith in the mystical experience. When healing has happened, light consciousness replaces where shadow was held in the body. Light-filled areas become new consciousness.

Shadow does not need to be feared but seen as the teacher for us to strengthen and deepen. As this awakening happens, it opens up vibrancy and connection with the Divine realm. In this module you’ll explore your connection to spirit guides, angels, higher guidance, and the mystical experience in healing wounds held the body.

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • The difference between guides and angels
  • Daily practices for connecting with your personal guides and angels
  • The ways your body intuits different forms of Divine guidance
  • How to clear your prayer channel to receive information from Spirit

Session 1: Q&A and Connecting to God, Your Higher Guidance & Opening Your Divine Connection

In order to connect to spirit guides and angels, faith in God is needed. What God is can be a trigger for some based on conditioning. Your soul knows the light of God deeper than the mind. Through opening the prayer channel between the sacred heart and and Divine source, the Divine in all forms presents itself. This is the mystical experience. It’s that the prayer channel is open and Divine communication is supported.

Session 2: Connecting With Your Spirit Guides

This module will be fun. Spirit guides come in all forms and you can connect with them based on how they present to you and how your body intuits information. You’ll discover the distinction between spirit guides and angels and what their unique offering is to you as your guides in this lifetime. There will be a guided healing on this call.

Session 3: Connection to Angels for Healing

Angels are different than spirit guides, yet spirit guides and angels often present themselves together. Angels are all around you and guide your soul’s journey in ways that may not be obvious to the mind. They bring healing, protection, and love and sometimes in their own unique expression of the Divine. You’ll discover more about angels and how to connect with them in your daily life. There will be a guided healing on this call.

Session 4: Integration Practice Allowing Connection With the Divine

Practice the tools you have learned to activate you back body and connect to your higher guidance through God, your higher self, angels, or spirit guides. Instruction will be given for partner practicing within the container of the call.

Module 4: Living in Flow Through Divine Infusion


Throughout the course you’ll have cleared out karmic wounds, increased consciousness, expanded with more light, and perhaps even decreased fear of what the “the shadow” really is.

In this final module, you’ll expand on your connection to the mystical by learning healing through the angels and guides and how to maintain this flow in your life. It’s very possible to conceptualize your Divine connection, but it’s a whole different experience to embody it.

Through these final sessions, Wendy will support you with energy work in embodying your Divine connection through prayer, soul activation, and continued communicationconnection with your higher guidance which includes spirit guides and angels.

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • Energy healing practices to infuse your body, mind, and spirit with Divine light and love
  • A greater sense of flow and abundance in place of fear, unworthiness, and lack
  • Prayer as a “full-body” practice for living in alignment with your soul and the Divine
  • Support for embodying (and sharing) your intuitive gifts and clearing energy blocks as they arise, so you can keep your connection to the DIvine open

Session 1: Q&A and How Spirit Guides & Angels Can Help With Your Healing

The job of the spirit guides and angel is to guide us here on this earth to be in union with Divinity. They are in service to the light and support us in living our own contribution or service to the light. Discover how you may ask for healing and support from the spirit guides and angels, especially through the tool of forgiveness.

Session 2: How Prayer Is a Full Body Practice for Healing & Soul Activation

This class will include a longer Q&A to ask questions on any topic you have learned in this course. Then we’ll practice together a full body prayer practice and a soul activation which is an infusion of Divine love in the body for alignment and healing.

Session 3: Integration Practice Living Your Divine Connection

Integrate Divine love into your body, infuse more prayer and mantra into moments in your day and allow more spiritual connection to guide you.

Session 4: The Householder Path of Living Your Divine Self in the World

In this final class of the program, you’ll learn what it means to be on the householder path of living your embodied light, intuitive gifts and spiritual connection into the world.

This path is not about getting caught in the wounds of the first three chakras, but to bring healing to the triggers and wounds when they present. Utilizing tools you learned in this course, you’ll be guided in this course on how to integrate into the world having done this work. Wendy will complete the class and program with a guided healing for integration.

The Next Level of Intuitive Healing Bonus Collection

In addition to Wendy’s transformative 16-session virtual course, you’ll also receive these powerful training sessions and materials. These bonuses complement the course — and promise to take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.

Three Steps on How to Clear Your Own Energy
Video From Wendy De Rosa


When you hit a block or an emotion how do you clear and release that energy when you get triggered or identify a block in your system, how do you clear your own energy? In this video created as special companion to this course, Wendy will guide you through three steps on how to clear you energy and release blocks held in your body.

Grounding as the Heart Expands
Guided Video Meditation From Wendy De Rosa


We are in a time when we are being asked to step into who we are here to be. For many, that means hearing a calling or experiencing a feeling from the heart to live life with more purpose and meaning. Yet the world is dynamic and dualistic at times, so how do you live with an expanded heart? In this guided meditation, you’ll be taken through a deep healing on how to ground the body in order for the spiritual heart to be centered and expanded.

Expanding Your Heart: Four Stages of a Spiritual Opening
Ebook From Wendy De Rosa


Transform the chaos and pain of personal struggle into a deeper connection to the Divine and your truest self with Expanding Your Heart. Wendy introduces the Four Stages of a Spiritual Opening to guide readers to work through life’s challenges as a way to open and expand the heart.

Transform Through Emotional Healing: Release Emotions From the Past Set of 6 Powerful Guided Audio Meditations From Wendy De Rosa


Do you struggle with old anger in your system? Are you stopped from moving forward because something feels undone from the past? Is it a challenge to feel love for yourself because other feelings are more prevalent? Journey through releasing unprocessed emotional history in your body with the support of these powerful, empowering and deep guided healings through each emotion. Wendy facilitates a guided journey into your chakra system and subconscious to help you release the energy that you no longer need to carry.

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– The course you purchased will have lifetime access
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