William Bronchick – Legalwiz Guide to Creative Financing Advanced eCourse

$42.00 $397.00 Sale

William Bronchick – Legalwiz Guide to Creative Financing Advanced eCourse

Did you know that creative financing is the most preferred and profitable way of buying and selling properties, yet few investors fully utilize this valuable tool. Why? Simple… lack of knowledge and, even worse, lack of experienced professionals that they can turn to for help. Most real estate agents and title companies don’t understand lease/options, contracts for deed, wraps, and won’t help you use these valuable tools. The process is not well understood by many attorneys, and those who do understand it charge a significant fee.

I am one of the few real estate experts who understand this process, having closed over 900 creative financed transactions. I am the author or several of the best books.-Selling books, including “Flipping Properties” And “Financing Secrets of a Millionaire Real Estate Investor”. Few people in the country have as much experience or technical expertise in owner-financed transactions than I, and even fewer who are willing to share it. to Share it – up to now!

Is it Time? to Brighten Your Financial Future

Are you a beginner or someone with limited experience? Think about what you’ll need to How do I qualify for financing? You might be wrong! Are you fed up with buying properties the traditional way? Do you want to qualify for loans or rent? to Do you want to evict tenants who are not paying their rent? Are you looking for deadbeat tenants? to Real estate is a great way to make quick cash without waiting for its appreciation. Are you looking for NEW ways to make money? to profit in today’s market? Do you need to have a game plan? to jump-start your real estate business? If you answered “yes,” to This program can answer any of these questions!

If you aren’t getting the financial results you want, it’s time to Try something different. Working harder with the wrong formula won’t get you better results. Don’t work harder, make your money work harder! Traditional investing is difficult and slow. There is a better way. The BRONCHICK BREAKTHROUGH

My innovative real estate formulas help my students make real money. Scott Allen is a recent user of my owner financing methods. to Get a mountain cabin absolutely free! Ask Mark Casey, an investor who purchased 5 properties within the two months that followed my training. He made over $1,700/month in positive cashflow and created a lot of wealth!

A prosperous retirement won’t happen

Until you do something about it!

Just look around. A median income of $23,000 per annum is what the majority of Americans have when they retire. Can you imagine retiring with that kind of income? Social Security is the largest “Ponzi” scheme ever invented and those between the ages 25 and 55 need to be aware of it. to The government will not provide retirement support. It is up to You and me to Stand up and TAKE CONTROL OVER OUR FUTURE!

The question I have is: What are you going to do about it for yourself?

Learn my Proven System and Build a Prosperous Retirement Quickly!

In the past few years, most novice real estate investors have gone bankrupt by waiting for a shortfall.-term appreciation. Smart investors make their profits by buying! When the market is up, you get appreciation, and that’s great. But, real estate is SALE when the market’s down. Would you rather buy wholesale real estate or retail? Wholesale, of course! In fact, you will learn how to do wholesale in our training. to Learn how to Buy BELOW WHOLESALE

Here’s a secret folks…the banks don’t want to It is no longer possible to lend subprime. There is a temporary vacuum created by the withdrawal of banks and big banks. to fill. Investors who know how to invest in this way are rewarded. to A huge opportunity exists to create owner financing to Cash in, but only those who KNOW HOW TO WORK MY SYTEM!

Make an instant, easy college fund for your kids!

The real estate market is rising in many places, which means hat means it is time to BUY. Just think…at today’s bargain prices (which may not last long), just one or two GOOD DEALS can fund your kids’ college at the finest university! Instead of student loan repayments, send your kids! to There are many schools across the country. This would take a load of stress off you, wouldn’t it?

Only those who act quickly will be able to prosper. Those who don’t will lose out on this great opportunity! It may not be available again for 10+ years. If you have children 8+ years old, you’ll be mad at yourself! Don’t wait, my friend, because this opportunity won’t last for long!

The Right Experience Will Make You Rich

Amateur investors lose money and get lousy deals because they simply don’t know how to These deals can be put together. Amateur investors who don’t learn how to Play the game and you will see fewer deals closed, fewer checks, and eventually, you give up. Most real estate brokers don’t even bother trying, simply because they, too, don’t know what to do!

This clearly shows the enormous opportunity to make a killing in your market over the next year. This is a truly amazing opportunity. “ground floor” Opportunity to Learn a skill that will bring you thousands of dollars every month. There is little to no risk. You don’t need anything to You can’t lose, but you have the opportunity to You can make a bundle, but first ensure you have to Learn more about the system!

This is why 24 CARAT GOLD is worth the investment in quality training. One good deal could bring you $10,000 or more.

What makes this program so special?

Ok, fair question. First, I actually do real estate investing and have thousands of transactions under me. The majority of the so-So called “experts” have done few deals or haven’t done a deal in recent history, so their advice is outdated or ineffective.

This is second. Real “Meat and Potatoes” program. This is not a. “teaser”Real, solid, and useful information. There’s no “B.S.” (“bait and switch” Or “big sales pitch”). Learn the details of buying and selling real property using contract for sale, lease/options, and wraparound mortgages. A detailed workbook will explain all tax and legal aspects. You will learn how to You must negotiate and engineer the deals. The forms would cost $1,000 or more if they were prepared by an attorney (assuming that you can find one who is knowledgeable enough). to These concepts are easy to understand!).

    • Understanding the mechanics and legalities of owner financing “ins and outs” Contract for deed (aka “installment land contract”Wraps
    • How to Profit from foreclosures even if there’s no equity! Many people overlook one of the best sources of deals for owner-financing: over-Financing properties means that more is owed on a property than it is worth. Learn how! to Find profitable deals that no one else is looking for and take advantage of them. “lemons” into lemonade!
    • How to In just 60 days, you can purchase a beautiful, new home with no down payment! The same principle applies. Creative-You will learn how to finance techniques to Buy a new model “executive” Home without cash or bank qualification There will be dozens upon dozens of homes. to Choose from!
    • 7 different ways to Profit using Lease/Options. You’ll learn the sandwich, the straight option, the “junker” lease/option, the landlord lease/option, the sale–lease/back sub–lease/option and much more!
    • 10 Tested Methods to Market for and Find Owner Financed Lease/Option Deals. You’ll get “street–tested” sample ads, business cards and marketing materials that you can use right away without re–inventing the wheel.
    • The Killer Telephone Script. Find out what to How and what? to It’s easy to say it to Potentially motivated sellers can be reached by phone
    • How to No law degree required to understand and draft all legal forms. Bill’s seminars really shine on this aspect because he is a seasoned real estate attorney. Other seminars don’t bother with the paperwork. to “go see your attorney.” In this instance, you are seeing an attorney! You will learn how to Draft the required paperwork to Get the deal done (while other investors wait for their lawyers’ return calls).).
    • How to Create a “wraparound” Deal that eliminates the hassle-Free monthly cash flow Wraparound deals allow for interest payments and not rent. You aren’t fixing toilets and screen doors. You are the “banker,” You can earn passive income every month and still enjoy your new lifestyle.
    • Innovative financing strategies, including powerful financing “nothing down” formulas. You can buy real estate without any money down, but very few people can do it without putting their necks on the line. Bill Bronchick We will show the smart way to You can reduce your risk by buying nothing, to zero.
    • How to Buy properties with “due-on-sale” mortgages that aren’t assumable. Most agents will tell their clients that there are no more. “assumable” loans, but what they don’t know is how to Assume any loan. Learn how to You can get around the mortgage due-On-Sale clause safely and effectively
    • Secrets of “wrapping” VA mortgages that even your realtor doesn’t know! This one is such a good secret that it won’t be revealed until the workshop! But don’t worry, there is a foolproof way! to Get around the due-On-VA Loans on Sale
    • Five “Air Tight” There are many ways to Protect your deal from going bad. It is easy to lease/opt for options. to Cover your @ss! “performance mortgage” Trick
    • Tax Implications for Buyer and Seller of Options (including changes under the most recent tax laws).
    • How to Live almost “rent–free” Lease/options for your personal residence
    • All the legal angles that every other course has left out are available to you to Learn more about lease/options
    • How to Prevent a tenant/buyer from defaulting from claiming an “equitable interest” In the property, including case law reference
    • Understanding the differences between a contract mortgage and a wraparound mortgage. You’ll learn the difference between a traditional wraparound mortgage, all-inclusive trust deeds (AITD) as well as wraparound land contracts. You ‘ll know more than 99% of investors, real estate agents, attorneys and title companies.
    • Real-Life case studies – buying and selling under contract for deed or leasing/options. You’ll see multiple case studies, including the facts and figures of each deal
    • How to Multiply the value of your cash reserves. You can make your cash work harder for you! Even though you can buy real estate with nothing down, you’ll learn what to What to do with your cash. Bill will show you how. to You can earn a 20% return or higher – Tax free!
    • How to You can protect yourself when you buy or sell under contract for a deed. Bill reveals how to do this. “tricks of the trade.” Every seminar guru will tell you the good news. But what about the risks? What should you do if the buyer stops paying? What happens if the seller cancels a deal? You’ll learn all of the potential things that can go wrong and how to These disasters can be avoided!
    • How to Market properties to Even in a soft market, you can still sell quickly, easily, and for the highest profit. Even if you are in a slow market, you will still learn proven techniques to You need to move quickly.
    • Understanding the tax implications for owner financing Who gets? to What can you deduct? What forms to How do you file with the IRS? How do you report your income? All your questions answered in a simple and understandable format
    • How to negotiate owner-financing. You’ll learn unique tips and tricks of the trade, including “role-playing” Various scenarios with buyers and sellers. You’ll know exactly what to Say to Overcome every objection
    • How to Respect the Dodd Frank, State “SAFE” Act laws
    • How to Use “credit partners”. Learn how to borrow other people’s credit as partners on your deals so you don’t need to qualify with a lender (and your partner doesn’t need to You don’t have to spend a lot of money!

And, much, much, more!

Don’t Pay Thousands for Inferior Information

There’s a instant guru popping up every day on the Internet claiming to Be the latest “expert” on real estate. I’ve been in the business of real estate investing for 24 years, and in the business of teaching real estate for 15 years. Few people have the credentials, experience, and ability to do what I do. to Share information in an easy, simple way-to-Follow my example. For quality information, it is more affordable than anyone else.

With that in mind, here’s what you get with my program

This manual contains 230 pages detailing all the steps involved in owner financing, lease/option, and other subjects.-to Deals and more, including sample forms that can be used as an example.

Six audio CDs professionally recorded and edited from a live seminar, including all audience questions

Forms CD with hundreds quality legal forms in editable MSWord format

Here’s what you can expect in the new book William Bronchick – Legalwiz Guide to Creative Financing Advanced eCourse

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Sale Page : http://www.legalwiz.com/creativefinancingcourse/

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