Holden QiGong – Guided Healing Meditations Bundle

$52.00 $147.00 Sale

Holden QiGong – Guided Healing Meditations Bundle

Your body knows how to heal itself. 

You only need to relax into a healing state that can transform stress into healing energy.

Lee Holden, LAc.

Qi Gong Teacher

About Lee Holden

Lee first discovered the healing power of Qi Gong after experiencing injuries that nearly sidelined his Varsity Soccer career at the University of California, Berkeley.

He was amazed to see how quickly these ancient energy practices healed his body and allowed him to return to playing. His curiosity piqued, he devoted his life to the study of these practices, and to helping others learn them, as well.

Thanks to his studies in Chinese medicine, travels abroad, study with a variety of masters, and after decades of focused learning, practicing, and nearly constant teaching, Lee is now an internationally known instructor in meditation, tai chi, and Qi Gong, as well as a licensed acupuncturist, herbalist, and author (7 Minutes of Magic, Penguin 2007).

His popular library of Qi Gong DVDs have made him a regular fixture on American Public Television and over 105 PBS stations throughout the U.S.and Canada. Lee’s Qi Gong programs have been seen in over 50 million households.

Now Available – Lee Holden’s Guided Healing Meditations Bundle
This series of online courses will unlock your body’s natural healing powers. By spending 15-60 minutes each day listening to Lee’s guided meditations, you will open your energy channels and allow your natural healing powers to manifest.
There are three courses included in the Guided Healing Meditations bundle, and they correspond to the three dantiens, or energy centers, at the core of Chinese medicine.
Shen – Spirit
The upper dantien is located between your eyebrows, just underneath your forehead. This powerful and subtle energy center is associated with the pineal gland, the ‘master gland’ that controls all the hormones of your body. Here your energy can be refined into what the Chinese call ‘Wu Wei,’ or emptiness.
Qi – Energy
The middle dantien was thought of as the bridge between “heaven” and “earth”, between the lower and upper reaches of your body. Located behind your sternum, the middle dantien is where respiration takes place, and here the vitality from the lower dantien is transformed into spiritual energy.
Jing – Matter
The lower dantien is where we transmute vitality into energy. This is where digestion takes place, and the fire in this energy center is what transforms our food into energy, which the body can use for healing and moving around. The center of your jing is located three fingers below your navel, and three fingers inward.
These ‘Three Treasures’ are powerful energy centers in your body.

During the guided meditations in this “Three Treasures” Guided Healing Meditations bundle, we work with exploring and feeling these energy centers, directing light and energy into each of them.

Since ancient times, sages have called these energy centers ‘dantiens’, which translates loosely as ‘elixir field.’ Allowing energy to move freely through these three energy centers in your body is the foundation of traditional Chinese medicine.
Moving Energy Between These Energy Centers Brings Health And Vitality
Ancient Chinese sages (and modern acupuncturists like Lee Holden) observe that many ailments are caused by a blockage of Qi, the life force that permeates all living things. Your body has great wisdom. Treatments simply help the body get the resources it needs, or stop the damage – the body, itself, is the source of all healing.
By opening your energy centers and removing blockages to the flow of energy throughout your body, your body can free up the energy it needs to heal itself, naturally.
These 3 sets of guided meditations each correspond to one of the Three Treasures: JingQi, and Shen. These correspond to levels of our being: physical (Matter), mental/emotional (Energy), and consciousness (Spirit).
You can do these courses in any order, and mix and match if you wish. If you know you want to work on a certain level, start with the meditations for that Treasure. If you’d rather build from the physical up to the subtle realm, you’re welcome to work through the whole package in order.
Either way, you can get started working with that healing energy right away.
What Others Are Saying
“One of the best! I enjoyed this audio from beginning to end. All the meditations are repeatable. I gained tremendously by listening. Thank you.”
“This traditional physician was blown away by the success of something I can’t quite understand. I am very pleased! My body feels great. I can’t recommend Lee more highly.
Dr. Irv Olander
“This is an amazing set. I’m not a total stranger to qigong but this is so helpful. The physiology is explained in very clear detail and then going into the meditation is wonderful as there is a nice foundation on which to build. Very, very highly recommended.
What Does The Bundle Include?
These online courses consist of audio MP3s and written material.

Treasure 1:


Jing represents Matter: the physical body and the world around us

Five Element Theory describes the energies that, when condensed, form the physical world

Five 15 minute meditations: Metal, Water, Wood, Fire, and Earth

Each element is related to a different internal organ system, emotion, and sense

When you harmonize and balance these Five Element energies within the body you feel refreshed, centered, and balanced

Absorbing the energy of an element where you have a deficiency is a well known Taoist healing practice – this helps you to feel charged up and ready to handle anything

Treasure 2:


Qi represents Energy: the life force energy, and the non-physical energies of emotions and mind – the very tools we use to sense, nurture, and guide our Qi

Seven 20 minute meditations that show you how to sense and work with your own Qi

Learn to guide the Qi for a greater sense of health, happiness, and peace of mind

Develop ever-greater sensitivity to Qi in the body – learn to feel energy in and around you with ease

Clear out stuck or stagnant of Qi from your energy centers and meridians – let the Qi flow freely for more energy, power, and focus

Introduction to each meditation with some theory and detailed instructions

Expand the capacity of the meridians, the energy pathways in your body – more energy lets you call upon greater reserves when you need it

Treasure 3:


Shen represents Spirit: the consciousness, sense of beingness, and connection to the divine

Eight hour-long sessions of combined lecture and meditation

Practice ancient Taoist techniques for illuminating your “Body of Light” – become aware of your beingness as more than just the physical body

Alchemical meditations to transmute light into energy – allowing you to harness and store more energy for use in spiritual cultivation

Learn to connect to divine energy, and bring this into your energy system for upliftment, happiness, and joy – this will get your energy system tuned to a more and more refined, sublime frequency

Sale Page: https://pages.holdenqigong.com/guided-healing-meditations?cfid=14&_ga=2.162514623.226005566.1712539215-696344386.1691299233
Archive: https://archive.ph/zZou1

Shipping method

– After making a purchase, you will see a View your order link to the Downloads page. Here you can download all the files related to your order.
– In case the link is broken for any reason, please contact us and we will resend a new download link.
– If you can’t find the download link, please don’t worry about it. This course is usually available and shipped within one day
– The course you purchased will have lifetime access
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