Igor Ledochowski – How To Have A Successful & Fulfilling Hypnosis Practice

$42.00 $375.00 Sale

Igor Ledochowski – How To Have A Successful & Fulfilling Hypnosis Practice

Igor Ledochowski – How To Have A Successful & Fulfilling Hypnosis Practice

The kind of integrity-based hypnosis practice that will be FUN to be involved in, financially stable and sustainable and…

Something You Can Be
Immensely Proud Of

If that’s the position you’d like to be in, then I’d like you to know it’s very possible for you.

All you need are the right systems in place to connect with the people you feel you can help most…

…and a structure around you that allows for you to be fairly remunerated for your valuable hypnosis services.

Systems and structures that make it possible and realistic for you to:

  • Connect with the type of people you would most like to help and who could benefit most from your hypnosis abilities – without you ever having to put yourself in an uncomfortable position of feeling like you’re “selling yourself”…
  • Create a steady stream of high-quality clients that keep you sufficiently booked up – you get to choose how busy you want to be (full-time or part-time it will be entirely up to you how many clients you bring into your practice)……
  • Get rewarded with high enough fees for your hypnosis services to make it a sustainable and profitable venture for you – and do so even if you’ve never before charged anyone for the hypnosis skills you have…
  • Strategically (and ethically) position yourself as “THE” hypnotist everyone will want to work with in your area – and do so even if you are up against a number of very experienced hypnotists who have years of experience and expensive ads smeared across the pages of local magazines…
  • Book people in for your hypnosis services without ever having to talk to them on the phone prior to them becoming a client – this takes all the scary-selling out of the dynamic so you never have to suffer personal rejection…
  • Set up a simple (systematic) referral network that makes it almost a “given” that plenty of people will eagerly send you high-quality referral clients – by the way, this has nothing whatsoever to do with “mingling” at those business networking meetings…
  • Advertise (if you want to) your hypnosis services in publications at substantially less – (as much as 50% off) – than what other hypnotherapists in your area have to pay – this enables you to “pay for the ad” from the revenue generated from new clients…
  • “Expand your value” (and therefore your positive impact, as the more your value expands, the more you’ll naturally attract happily paying clients) far and beyond what most every other hypnotherapist is able to provide – this has nothing whatsoever with being a “better” hypnotherapist or “stringing clients along”, you will actually be transforming more people’s lives in a way that is not dependent on face-to-face meeting time.
  • Create a balanced “lifestyle practice” that is perfectly suited to your unique characteristics, your unique values and the values of the people you would ideally like to work with – you don’t have to fit into a certain type of hypnosis practice; the practice will fit around you (where you can work full-time, part-time or any hours you choose).

That all becomes possible and realistic for you because of my association — and subsequent training program I have put together with Joe Homs.

Both Joe and I started our hypnosis practices from nothing, with no prior “toe-hold” into the hypnosis world.

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