The Working Shakespeare Collection: The Ultimate Actor’s Workshop


The Working Shakespeare Collection: The Ultimate Actor's Workshop

The Working Shakespeare Collection: The Ultimate Actor’s Workshop

For The Working Shakespeare Collection: The Ultimate Actor’s Workshop

The Working Shakespeare Collection: The Ultimate Actor’s Workshop

(Applause Books). How do we enter the heightened, extravagant language of Shakespeare and yet feel truthful in our contemporary world? How do performers excite the audience with Shakespeare’s rich imagery and dynamic rhythm, yet make it real for the twenty-first century? We assume that a sophisticated intellectual background is required to grapple with Shakespeare. But there is a much deeper, almost primal response as available to inner-city students as to their counterparts in the private school to the sound and rhythm in Shakespeare’s language which arouses our emotions: feelings of anger and sorrow, of passion and laughter. This landmark five-part video series gives voice to Shakespeare’s most beloved and widely known speeches and sonnets, performed by a powerhouse ensemble of American and British actors, as they delve into the structure, meaning and power of Shakespeare’s language. Each DVD explores a different aspect of Shakespeare’s work.

Readmore about :  The Ultimate Actor’s Workshop , The Working Shakespeare Collection: The Ultimate Actor’s Workshop , actors workshop nyc  , acting auditions in new orleans , on camera acting classes los angeles

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